Limited Run Luke ROTJ V2 lightsaber- based on the new info from SWCA (UPDATE PG 37)

I love the idea of a future Kylo... but there needs to be a LOT more reference. At this point any sabers made are just going to be future innacurate versions to upgrade.

The Hero would be great... one stop closer to finishing the OT collection.
Awesome news Dan, glad you are feeling better, my prayers have been with you. I would be in for a Yuma/ISYHCANL Luke Hero for sure. Would complete my Luke OT setup. :) Cant wait for the second run of the V2's.
Missed the first run so giddy for a second.

I'm a firm believer in karma so hopefully the horse's handbrakes who jumped you will get theirs.
Glad you're doing well, I've been checking this thread everyday to see your status as well as the status of the V2s!

I'd be interested in another Luke ROTJ saber, don't mind which. I don't know a lot about the ROTJ sabers so this is a good chance to research. The duelling set sounds cool but I'm an OT guy, the build progress would make a good read though.

Do you have a day in mind for putting up the remaining V2 stock in the junkyard? I'm going to be watching like a hawk lol.
The thought of having a "ISYHCANL" in my collection is a nice, comforting, fuzzy thought :D. I wish you the best in your recovery. I only wish that there were more that we could do to help you out!
I have never owned any lightsabers other than FX or MR version , but I am truly impressed and must admit , if I ever get a chance , this will be the ultimate lightsaber to possibly own, I have never seen anything as beautiful as this ...WOW , sooo impressive sir. if I can ever get past some bumps in the road, I do hope to acquire one of these. this is truly a work of art...never seen anything quite as detailed as this before , fantastic job !!!
:D:lol Story of my RPF life.(y)popcorn

Kind of like me on this V2 run. I had plenty of opportunity to chime in when it was originally posted, but I was like, "nah, I only want the ANH sabers." Then I read through the entire thread in the Star Wars board and I was like, "NO I NEED THIS TOO!!!!!"
Kind of like me on this V2 run. I had plenty of opportunity to chime in when it was originally posted, but I was like, "nah, I only want the ANH sabers." Then I read through the entire thread in the Star Wars board and I was like, "NO I NEED THIS TOO!!!!!"

Yeah I feel compelled to get this saber as well. I'm sorry I missed out on the first run. This and an ISYHCANL would make a great display set.
I love the V2, but not a fan of the other ROTJ saber. The lack of the Graflex clamp and the triangle ring just really bother me and look "off".
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