Lost clock mechanics - need advice


Sr Member
Hi all...

I'm close to finishing my hatch clock from Lost and I need to get it done before the finale Sunday (we're having a party).

I've got everyhting planned out and cut but I'm struggling a little with the mechanics of the clock. I'd like to have the clock show 108:00 and then be able to manually flip them over to these symbols below (and back again).

I need suggestions on how to make these pieces "flippable". It's fine if it's by hand and they can be done one at a time too. I'm trying to think of a "found object" that I could use but haven't really come up with anything.

Thanks for any suggestions!

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Do they have to flip like they did in the show? If you mounted a drum inside you could rotate them like a slot machine.
Ideally, yes, but I'd also settle for just "finger flipping" them for the party.

How would a drum mount work?. I think that's the part I'm having trouble conceptualizing.

Other methods welcome too. :D ;)
Look at how real flip clocks work:

You ought to be able to mount them on an axle with a little piece of material that will hold the tiles in place one at a time until you turn the axle enough that the next one is exposed.

EDIT: Here's a helpful diagram.

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Pat - Thanks!! That's a great diagram.

Trent - They got you too... it's an April fools joke. Click on "Buy Now". ;)