The circuit that motman241 pointed out is a cool circuit and does sequence LEDs but only one will be on at a time. LED 1 will come on first, then LED 2 comes on as LED 1 goes off and so forth up to LED 10 which is followed by LED 9 and then it sequences back down to LED 1. Then this whole cycle repeats.
Now if I understand correctly, I believe you're looking for a circuit like this:
OOPs :$ -Just noticed the D8 between D5 and D9 should have been labeled D7- but you get the idea.
As the 10k potentiometer (adjuster knob) is turned, LED D1 comes on first by itself. As the knob is turned more, LED D1 stays on and D2 and D3 illuminate on either side of D1, for a total of 3 LEDs. Turning the knob some more and D4 and D5 illuminate for a total of 5 LEDs, then D6 and D7 (7 LEDs on), and then D8 and D9, for a total of 9 LEDs on. Reversing the knob, and they will turn back off in reverse order.
I engineered this and drew it up in AutoCad rather quickly, but I think the resistor values are correct. LMK. I wouldn't bother with a printed circuit board unless you plan to make a lot of them. I'd just wire right to a dual-in-line package IC on a small bread board. The circuit values are seleted for 20mA LED drive, so since D1 is by itself it needs to be a 20mA device, and the paired LEDs need to be 10mA.