Kylo Ren Hasbro Force FX Lightsaber

I meant the force fx kylo, not the rubies?

And as for this being a "toy"..

No, it's not. But it looks like one. That's the complaint.

It's a collectible. A showpiece. An expensive one.

If I'm paying $200 plus tax on a collectible lightsaber, I think it should resemble the lightsaber from the movie!

It's a toy, all F/X sabers are expensive toys not collectibles. They are designed for play. For playing with. Toy. It's ok if you don't want to pay $200 for a toy, I will...and play with my son with it.
I like all of the complaints accusing Hasbro of making it bulky on purpose just for the heck of it. Think about it, these things are designed for mass market. They have to be designed so they don't break when you play with them. If you want something better, make it yourself or wait and see if anyone gets the license for 1:1 replicas.

And yes, they are toys. You're paying for the play factor and functionality. It's like the Mattel Ghostbusters stuff.
I like all of the complaints accusing Hasbro of making it bulky on purpose just for the heck of it. Think about it, these things are designed for mass market. They have to be designed so they cost the least amount possible to make for maximum profit. If you want something better, make it yourself or wait and see if anyone gets the license for 1:1 replicas.

And yes, they are toys. You're paying for the play factor and functionality. It's like the Mattel Ghostbusters stuff.

Fixed. ;)
You say tomato, I say it the other way..


Bottom line: it's 200$ plus tax. As a collector, I would prefer if it were done right.

Hasbro's removable blade sabers were the same caliber of "toy" and they put this to shame.
Whatever buddy, don't get it. There are no right answers here. Some people like it, some don't. I'll get one, you suit yourself.
Nothing better than discussions on Star Wars stuff!

Maybe these will look better in hand?

I'm wondering if I should pick one up and inspect.

I could always return it.
I think a lot of the frustration is transference of resentment from lack of removable blades. If the blades came off we' be nerdgasming... :cool
I think we all forget sometimes that we draw different lines with different franchises and movies. I would rather spend 200 on a "toy" version that has functionality and isn't perfect than 450 on an LE replica like MR used to make. Some franchises I am more discerning about. I can respect that there are people who demand more from Star Wars stuff but you've got to remember what we're talking about. In this case, FX lightsabers have always been toys to me because they were first introduced alongside LE replicas. I still see them this way so I am willing to go easy on them as far as accuracy.

edit: considering how bulky the thing is already, I can't imagine this thing working with removable blades.
Hold on here. I have to chime in.

The Force FX was designed to be licensed collectible not a toy. They were created by Master Replicas, which was high end prop company. The old MR boxes clearly had the "this is not a toy" statement printed on them. The directions said they are not ment to duel with or the LEDs wouldn't be so fragile. Just because these are basic compared to custom sabers doesn't make them any less.

They aren't any different in that manner just because Hasbro took over. Their boxes have "Adult Collectable" printed on them. And I will say for $200 I would have expected a better KR FX. That is all.
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Those are called disclaimers. They protect manufacturers and retailers from legal recourse if someone breaks the product or injures another person. The Force FX are clearly intended for light play.

MR produced a wide range of collectibles. We aren't saying that these are literally just toys. We are saying that–compared to LE or fan-made replicas–these amount to flashy, expensive toys. You can only expect so much given those parameters. Some will expect more and that's fine, they can move along to something else. Some are fine with what we get.
Once a FX is coverted....let's say TRI Cree LED and thick dueling blade with a heavy ass aluminum blade holder. With The blinding led and heavy blade holder would you still consider them toys? They are no different then custom lightsabers from saber smiths. They are just basic in features compared to them.
I think some of you are taking the negative things that others are saying about this hilt a bit too personally. We're dissing the hilt itself. That does not mean we think someone would be stupid to buy one. At least I personally am not insulting anyone intending on buying the saber. There's nothing wrong with wanting it or liking it just as there nothing wrong with not wanting it and not liking it. Just relax and have a cookie. Sugar free if you're diabetic.
Not taking it personally at all. It's just annoying. Some of us are excited for this and four pages of bashing gets a bit tedious.
Just remember, the prop we have seen is a crappy stunt casting, they didnt even bother to clean up the mold seam lines or bubbles, and the pommel area isnt hollow as it now appears it should be (see all Hasbro sabers AND Rubies saber.) So who else knows what else isnt right on that stunt saber. I'm sure Hasbro has seen better pictures of the Hero prop than any of us have.

This is a good point. We didn't even know the bell (or whatever it ends up being called) on the end was open until today. Every KR fan hilt maker on the planet is going "dang".

...there is NO way that the proportions would slip that much. It just doesn't happen.

Also correct, making room for the open pommel while still retaining the sound and battery pack would require a larger circumference hilt. And making room for and securing the crossguard blades required making the emitter larger than it should be in order for the saber to look proportional. Not the easiest lightsaber to make into a functional toy.

Maybe we should wait until at least one of us has seen the movie to get worked up about it.
This is a good point. We didn't even know the bell (or whatever it ends up being called) on the end was open until today. Every KR fan hilt maker on the planet is going "dang".

Actually I thought it was open between the pommel "fins" from viewing the teaser, frame by frame (that I adjusted the brightness and contrast of, using my computer) and seeing what appeared to be snow and trees through gaps in the pommel. Then I saw pics of the rubber stunt at C5 and noticed the center area was silver and the fins not hollow so I just assumed it was just a trick of the light reflecting off the silver center. Perhaps I was right after all. Only the movie or a trailer showing that pommel close-up in good lighting can convince me one way or the other.
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I'm thinking about getting both- a nice 3D printed one from a vendor here on the boards to hang on my belt clip AND this to play around with my wife & kids with. It's good enough for costuming and trooping as is evident in the 100's of Jedi Trooping with the other sabers they make...
I think some of you are taking the negative things that others are saying about this hilt a bit too personally. We're dissing the hilt itself. That does not mean we think someone would be stupid to buy one. At least I personally am not insulting anyone intending on buying the saber. There's nothing wrong with wanting it or liking it just as there nothing wrong with not wanting it and not liking it. Just relax and have a cookie. Sugar free if you're diabetic.

I agree. While I am personally disappointed, doesn't mean it is not a good product or that others shouldn't purchase it. The reasons I am disappointed is because of the non-removable blades and the proportions of the hilt - some of the same reasons I don't own an FX saber current. Think a lot of us got spoiled with the spot on products that MR made and there is currently not a known licensed vendor that is going to put a "hero" version out. I will wait and see what comes out in the future.
This is when Hasbro got the closest. Real graflex on left, Removable blade ANH on right. So they are fully capable of making an accurate "prop". I'm still not going to judge the Kylo saber until I have it in hand. If i hate it, I'll return it, but I have a feeling that the electronics will make it cool enough to want to keep. The blade flickering and sound alone is exciting.

Photo from scottjua
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