Jedi Comlink - Need help to identify components

If you get a line on the little greeblies, like the lugs and screws, let me know. I am putting one together and may make another for a friend. Give him his first taste of the prop sickne...err...habit.
I hate to open two questions at the same time, but, does anyone know what is this? I think that watching at it from different angles would help. What do you think? Found part or custom made?



If you get a line on the little greeblies, like the lugs and screws, let me know. I am putting one together and may make another for a friend. Give him his first taste of the prop sickne...err...habit.

Yeah, I'm planning on making one of these soon too. Perhaps we could do a group buy on the greeblies as most of them are sold at a far higher volume than we need?
yep if the prop dept just covered it up that wouldsave the work of having to sand it off or make 2 versions. qui gonzalez I have some spare solder lugs get ahold of me.:thumbsup
It seems to me that It is some kind of bearing holder or something like that. Here are some examples:




They could be made of metal or nylon. Just a thought.
By the way, my brother in law kept his word and got me two pins. Not the screen used ones, but some close to them. Another model. Check them out:


More photos here:

As I told you guys, he is mechanical, he is not doing any electric repair. So he got them from that department and requested to some coworkers to find the right ones. Just to be sure, the screen used ones have wide red, orange and green right? cause this is the way they will identify it.

I never saw of them in person, they are quite small, and even if they are not the screen used ones, will be great for a custom made one :love
It seems to me that It is some kind of bearing holder or something like that. Here are some examples:




They could be made of metal or nylon. Just a thought.


It looks like it supports or travels down a rod of some sort. With the screws being used to fix it to another surface. It might be better to sculpt this part. Like the some of the parts on the back. Even the lugs wolfverine posted are slightly off in size.

It looks like it supports or travels down a rod of some sort. With the screws being used to fix it to another surface. It might be better to sculpt this part. Like the some of the parts on the back. Even the lugs wolfverine posted are slightly off in size.
It's also possible that it was modified by the prop department before it was attached to the prop; this may be only a remnant of a larger part.
:rolleyes My brother in law was able to get me 3 more pair of pins. Several models, but not the screen used yet. :confused I am pretty sure he will find them, and when he do, he will tell me the part number.
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