Jay & Silent Bob Props on Display


Master Member
I was just over in Westwood here in L.A. seeing a movie and had a few minutes to spare. I walked over to Jay&Silent Bob's Secret Stash comic book shop on Westwood Blvd. and they have many costumes and other props from various Kevin Smith films. They also have a full DareDevil costume and props. It's a pretty cool store. Sorry I didn't take any pics though.

Yeah he owns it. If anyone is a big Dare Devil fan, I can get photo's of the suit for you.
A Member here a few months back went in and Jay was running the Register. :lol
Originally posted by Skaught@Feb 13 2006, 09:48 PM
They also have the bong sabers.  Or they did back in April.


Yeah, they had the Purple Bong Saber and Mark Hamills Big fist with the vibrator saber as well. They have Mooby stuff, Shannon Elizabeths costumes, Dogma Angel Armor, Bluntman and Chronic costumes, Toys that are signed by both and are not anymore expensive than unsigned toys and tons of other props and costumes.
anyone have any better picture of the bong sabers? or know wich bongs where used to make the sabers? those are 2 props i would love to make
Originally posted by Scarecrow@Feb 13 2006, 05:41 PM
Can you ask them how much it costs?


if its real and in kevins stores its probably not for sale, just part of his collection
there's a jay&silent bobs secert stash store in red bank N.J.i don't know anything about J&SB but they do have some props,the only one i remember is a car made out of a big joint
Originally posted by apollo@Feb 13 2006, 02:34 PM
A Member here a few months back went in and Jay was running the Register. :lol

That was me and he TOTALLY was. Aside from seeing him, the coolest thing for me was the Dogma Angel Wings in the back of the store. Way cool. I should stop by again, since I go to school right up the street...