Jaws Maquette..... Well, sorta....


Sr Member
I love "Jaws" and am a big fan of the Sideshow maquette of ol' Bruce, but my budget won't stretch that far at the moment, so when I was in a charity shop the other week and spotted a BIG toy Great White, I grabbed it.

Getting home, I compared it with the real Bruce and sadly, although it is a Great White, the body proportions, nose length/angle and eye height are all off for it to match the real deal. Still, I only paid £1.50 for it, and it's a great size and nice sculpt, so I went ahead and painted it up to match the Sideshow maquette.

It was originally a dirty dark grey with green irised eyes and had a lot of the paint rubbed off, so I completely repainted the entire thing.





Vintage Han Solo for size reference. :lol

So, anyone know of any nice shark toys/models that are a closer match to Bruce and are nice and big? (The only ones I've found tend to be about 20cm long at the max)
That looks canny, especially for £1.50! Nice job.

No toys at all that are even a vague match for Bruce, unfortunately.