Jawa Blaster, ROTJ, scratch build


New Member
Been lurking for quite a while, soaking up all the amazing knowledge here, and finally have a chance to contribute something.

I'm in the 501st Legion (SoCal) and decided I wanted to do a Jawa costume for my daughter for ComicCon. Of course the best part is the blaster, so I set about scratch building the ROTJ Jawa blaster.

My goal was to get it as screen-accurate as possible, yet make it easy enough to reproduce that I could make some for friends who had requested them as well. It also had to be light, durable for trooping. I also added a non-canon sling, because I knew my wife would be carrying it for a good chunk of the day, and rule #1 is keep the wife happy.

So here is what I came up with. Sorry for the lack of progress pics, but I kind of get into a groove and forget to take pics.

The construction is a combination of wood, metal, PVC, acrylic and some resin bits.

I'm currently building a few more, so I'll try to take some WIP pics.



Of course we'd love to see how this was done, but I wanted to say excellent work! Especially for scratchbuild, that is beautiful!
That is amazing! The best I have seen of this style. I would be interested in building one since I have a son with a Jawa costume.
Thanks everyone! I know this is kind of backwards, but I'll take and post up some WIP pics when I build the next one.
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