Jackieisrockin's IM3 Iron Patriot Pepakura Files! V2 files coming soon!

Re: Jackieisrockin's Iron Patriot (IM3) Pepakura Files! Links in first post! Canon ad

LoL I'm not intending to hijack your thread just a few pics when some of the layers are done.
And if you don't mind I would like to do your helmet the same way.
For greater accuracy.

What kind of CNC are you running? I have a 3 axis AXYZ router table 51" x 100" bed that I cut my foam on 2D. 5 AXIS would be the BOMB for true 3D
Re: Jackieisrockin's Iron Patriot (IM3) Pepakura Files! Links in first post! Canon ad

Looks good so far! How heavy do you think the cannon is in foam? Good luck with your build :thumbsup

its surprising light, now im thinking how to build the arm.
Re: Jackieisrockin's Iron Patriot (IM3) Pepakura Files! Links in first post! Canon ad

its surprising light, now im thinking how to build the arm.

Here's a cannon arm I put together that eliminates most of the rotary parts that would drag out a build. It's got limited mobility but would be very stable. Just a thought-
Re: Jackieisrockin's Iron Patriot (IM3) Pepakura Files! Links in first post! Canon ad

Here's a cannon arm I put together that eliminates most of the rotary parts that would drag out a build. It's got limited mobility but would be very stable. Just a thought-

cool, thanks chief.. without your blueprint, its impossible to build, same to your master jackie ... another legend to add my books along with master stealth with the tutorials..
Re: Jackieisrockin's Iron Patriot (IM3) Pepakura Files! Links in first post! Canon ad

Anyone else doing this in paper and fiberglass? Not foam?..it would also be good of everyone that's doing it to post their scales and height to kinda get an idea for those that need the help..just saying....
Re: Jackieisrockin's Iron Patriot (IM3) Pepakura Files! Links in first post! Canon ad

Anyone else doing this in paper and fiberglass? Not foam?..it would also be good of everyone that's doing it to post their scales and height to kinda get an idea for those that need the help..just saying....

Yes, and that's a good idea. I'm a little over 6'2, and scaled the torso sections and neck at 393.5. I had expected to use a larger scale on the thighs and shins, but to keep my dimensions consistent I pepped these in 393.5 scale as well. I won't resin until I finish out the limbs to make sure they work together well (I use 110# card stock).
One part of the suit that you want to watch is the lower torso. I fit in mine, but I have a 33" waist.
Re: Jackieisrockin's Iron Patriot (IM3) Pepakura Files! Links in first post! Canon ad

Yes, and that's a good idea. I'm a little over 6'2, and scaled the torso sections and neck at 393.5. I had expected to use a larger scale on the thighs and shins, but to keep my dimensions consistent I pepped these in 393.5 scale as well. I won't resin until I finish out the limbs to make sure they work together well (I use 110# card stock).
One part of the suit that you want to watch is the lower torso. I fit in mine, but I have a 33" waist.
that's what i was looking for I'm 6'1"and about same waist so it a great starter for me..thanks..laelle..ill post my scales as soon as i start printing..but i was curious maybe it was brought up before I probably missed it but is the scale different in foam and paper?
Re: Jackieisrockin's Iron Patriot (IM3) Pepakura Files! Links in first post! Canon ad

The link for Joker53's foam conversion of Laellee's canon file has been added to the first post! Thanks again, Joker53!
Re: Jackieisrockin's Iron Patriot (IM3) Pepakura Files! Links in first post! Canon ad

heres on how i cut the piece of the body and the head of the cannon, if you guys wanna know how..
Re: Jackieisrockin's Iron Patriot (IM3) Pepakura Files! Links in first post! Canon ad

Anyone else doing this in paper and fiberglass? Not foam?..it would also be good of everyone that's doing it to post their scales and height to kinda get an idea for those that need the help..just saying....

im doin mine all fiberglass buddy :) looks better :D and must say great work on the war machine build your patriot is going to be awsome if your war machine is anythin to go off pal :)
Re: Jackieisrockin's Iron Patriot (IM3) Pepakura Files! Links in first post! Canon ad

As requested, here's a pic of my pepped suit hanging out of the way for now. It's just loosely mashed together here, but I have checked the fit between pieces and it looks good. Plan is to put temporary bulkheads in the pieces to maintain the correct shape, then resin the outsides of each leg assembly and the upper/lower torso/hips/neck assembly to make sure the joints all match up and work smoothly before reinforcing with full fiberglass. Jackie's modeling looks great in paper. And yes, that is a HUGE optimus prime off the edge of the pic lol.

Re: Jackieisrockin's Iron Patriot(IM3) Pepakura Files! Links in first post! Cannon ad

Laellee- Thats too cool! Epecially the Optimus Prime!

Tonystarks8100- Thank you very much! :)

Bicep has been finished and sent to IronLeoMan for unfolding. Now onto the shoulder! Here are some pics of it finished:
View attachment 130370 View attachment 130371 View attachment 130372
View attachment 130373 View attachment 130374
The inside of the bidep
View attachment 130375
These are added "hinges" to the bottom of the bicep that will connect to the forearm. They are not necessary to the build, so if you want to use your own hinges or dont want to use any, you just dont have to pep these at all :)
View attachment 130376

More updates soon!
Re: Jackieisrockin's Iron Patriot(IM3) Pepakura Files! Links in first post! Cannon ad

Thanks Jackie... I like the hinges too, otherwise I'd have to fab something temporary for the joint while reinforcing. Sweet!
Re: Jackieisrockin's Iron Patriot(IM3) Pepakura Files! Links in first post! Cannon ad

toooo sick!!

im doing the helmet and gun in paper pep/fiberglass as theyre the "show pieces" imo
so i want them clean, tight, and detailed.
Re: Jackieisrockin's Iron Patriot(IM3) Pepakura Files! Links in first post! Cannon ad

Laellee- Awesome! IronLeoMan thought it was a good idea too, so i went with it :)

Torx- I agree they are indeed the show pieces :thumbsup. Good luck with your build!

Bicep has been unfolded! Here it is:
View attachment 135659
Link is being added to first post :)
Last edited:
Re: Jackieisrockin's Iron Patriot(IM3) Pepakura Files! Links in first post! Cannon ad

Laellee- Awesome! IronLeoMan thought it was a good idea too, so i went with it :)

Torx- I agree they are indeed the show pieces :thumbsup. Good luck with your build!

Bicep has been unfolded! Here it is:
View attachment 130549
Link is being added to first post :)

Awesome, more to work on!

For reference, here is the helmet scaled at 9.000 sitting on a 393.5 scale torso-
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