Italian Star Trek - Cesare Marino Photography


New Member
Hello, I'm new in this forum, but for many years Satr Trek fan. I am passionate about photography and would like to share with you my last, or photographic work. This is just a video presentation, the photo set will be released in a few months on some magazines here in Italy. it was all self-funded, I hope you will like.

YouTube - Italian Star Trek

Cesare Marino
Someone needs to photoshop a new registry on a constellation class ship quick...

USS Hottie
I agree with the Tripod bit. Star Trek is steady, not BSG BS.

Also, having this many female characters as your crew already puts your Trek lightyears ahead of JJ's manly Trek.
Yeah, because nobody had their shirts off in TOS.

But was it ever done to the point where we saw close up shots of the characters undressing? There are instances that are just teases, and there are shots meant to be out right titillating. When the women are the only ones who get that kind of coverage I shout foul.

I shout even harder when Uhura was even made useless as a crew member.