My comment was not designed to make him look foolish. I was merely trying to point out that, accurate or not, he bought it and now is floundering on the payment because he isn't sure if it's genuine. And while I understand that there are plenty of scams out there, and want to see no one hurt by them, he should follow through with his obligation. Then he can deal with it as suggested above, if it's not real then send it back, get refund etc...
My point was to help him and others avoid this kind of delema by finding out what you need to know before you commit to buy. I can't help it if you get defensive about it, it's one of the things that I am having a hard time understanding about the prop and forum communities. You invest so much time and attention to details on the props you build and buy, but have no tollerance on advice for how you conduct yourself as a person. This is one of my flaws and am working on improving it.
So yes you are right, I should have probably kept my mouth shut and avoided this, but I'm not intentionally being a jerk, if you or anyone else felt like a fool from it then you have to look inside yourself and ask why. I'm not here to pick fights, I just want people to take a little self responsibility to help avoid other situations like this.
Sorry if I offended, but I stand by my words. No harm, no foul intended. We're all in this together and I, as much as I may seem the hard ass, don't want to see people get screwed and am not that bad of a person. I'll stick to posting about the stuff I'm building and avoid these types of situations in the future.
My sincerest appologies. Good luck with the MPP.