Is pepakura a legit way to make reproductions?

Wes R

Legendary Member
I found a few files of items i want to make, 2 guns and the rest are models, but when it comes to the guns it feels like I'm cheating not to mention it looks like its about as expensive as buying a kit. What is everyone's take on pepakura? I still plan on getting the kits if i can find them. i have my eye on one Pulse rifle once i get the cash and the other is a gun from Judge Dredd and another is the plasma rifle from terminator. I'm tempted to make and use them for my costumes at conventions that way I don't have to be paranoid about the kit guns getting lost or damaged by accident.
Ok--totally dumb here--what the heck is pepakura???

Never mind--did a search and now I dont feel AS dumb.
I think its perfect for costuming snice it is durable and if something happens you're not risking your really nice collection pieces. Plus conventions can't get on your case since its made of paper. It cost is crap though, i think the pulse rifle costs as much to make this way as it does for a kit.
I believe in Pepakura for Armor. Not so sure about weapons. It really depends on the cost of the kit and it's difficulty. Pepakura takes more skill than a kit because you actually are cutting out folding and putting together a model. Yes, you're essentially doing the same thing with a kit, but Pepakura models come out differently depending on the skill level of the Pep Artist. I've seen a piece turn out like **** before and yet there are those who pep so well you would never realize it was actually made from paper when you see the finished product. Take SeanBradly for example. His ODST helmet that was auctioned off at charity came from RUNDOWN's Pep Model. I see it more as a matter of preference.
Yeah. The guy who i got the plans for the pulse rifle off of says it cost him 200 marks so i have to translate that into dollars but its a fairly fancy one. I'm definetly going to use it for the models of vehicles and that since you don't see many kits.
It doesn't matter how it starts.

It's the finished item that matters. Does it do the job it's built for? Does it look good?
Very true. In some respects pepakura would be the next step in challenge to normal prop making compared to kits. Turns out the resin pulse rifle kit is cheaper.