Iron man suit weaponary and propulsion

Guys im not trying to discover and create smething please dont criticise and comment like im a dodo-bird who just pushed his head up his **** really serious about making it fly or hover above the ground at least......and NO im not planning to fire my weapons ....just display them like in that scene.....

I can empathise with you, since I'm also planning on making a semi-working Iron Man suit. However, the flight is one of the few things I have accepted that I can't do. It would be far more realistic to try and make all those weapons actually work, and I outlined how you make do it in my post above (with a few modifications). Though I'm not actually going to add any working weapons to my one, so it's basically just going to be an armoured exoskeleton.

How are you planning on making it fly? Have you come up with any ideas yet? I've got one or two myself, and I'm going to try them if possible. I'm well aware it's not very likely to work, but I'm one of those people who can't not at least try. And at least I'll learn things when I do.

So, I hope the best for you and your project, and do please tell us more details on how you're planning on doing it. :)

Also, how old are you?
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Having had a good think about this , it may and I say may, just be possible to fake some kind of false levitation , rather like David Blaine does in his magic show , eg hydraulic extentions to make the suit rise a few inches, the mechanism hidden by fake exhaust gasses from the feet might work as a suggestion

That is a GENIUS idea! I love it! :D

Is that really something David Blaine does?
Not the thread I was thinking of. I remember that era of IM builds :p

Just keep patient dude. A build like this would take a lot of research and work. You'l need to get in touch with people that have done it before or work it out yourself. Things like this are unique and builders want to keep it that way. I personally don't want to see 50 IM suits exactly the same!
Yes it is, most magic tricks for levitation use this sort of thing - a body brace harness attached to a very thin strong steel support. You should find quite a lot of information in a good library with a good stage and theatrical section. Rising off the ground is the easy bit , the flying /stooging around would be the difficult bit .
A bit of history here if you've seen the James Bond film where they launch a rocket from inside a volcano , the actual take off was filmed using a similar set up the 'rocket ' was physically mounted on the launch platform , when the rocket motor 'fired' the 'rocket ' was lifted into the air by the launch platform gantry the reverse was filmed when it 'landed' back in the volcano , you eyes are deceived by the 'rocket' exhaust and the apparant 'movement' of the rocket , but it was in fact firmly fixed to the hydraulic platform.
i will want to simulate the weapon threat display as in The Avengers when he forced Loki to give up...... i understand some of the opening and closing of the weapons but would like if someone could explain all if the hinges etc.

That'd be cheating thanks to CG - there is not enough room in the suit for both a human and the weapons. You can't make it in real life.

and if someone out there knows how to make a plasma thruster

Seriously... how old are you to believe that??
Have you looked at hover tech, jet pack, anti gravity tech. It's possible i think, but it's going to be expensive and incredibly bulky...GM
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This is an attempt at trolling right?

Almost every bit of the Iron Man armor is not possible to actually make at your house as a functioning piece. You could make a super detailed costume but like Vargatom said, you won't be able to fit all that gear and yourself inside the armor. At least not without building it much larger, but then you probably wouldn't be able to move in it.
Thinking of this, by any chance?

Dang..., I read the thread & consider my mind blown.

@OP, making what you're thinking of seems highly unfeasible for the weapons to retract but it would be cool to have a costume that has them always "on" (and totally completely fake/ make pretend/ it's not real MAN). As for the flying err how about a tiny hovercraft platform? IDK can one even make such a thing? and balance on it while standing?
Nobody's after an advacnded action suit here.

To make it work for you, I'd recommend taking a look at what people on the forum have done with their costumes' palm repulsors and build the forearm bigger to fit the stuff you're after. It may look funky, but it'll be something you made yourself, and that's worth a lot, if you ask me.
@OP, making what you're thinking of seems highly unfeasible for the weapons to retract but it would be cool to have a costume that has them always "on" (and totally completely fake/ make pretend/ it's not real MAN).

Oh, I think we can be a little more optimistic than that. :D If they weren't even going to fire, let alone explode, then surely they can be as thin as you like. You wouldn't need to worry at all about them actually being able to work - just look right. Let's say the thickness of the armour on the wrist is about 1 inch thick. That would be adequate, no? None of the weapons are any thicker than that, are they?

So then you'd have to have the actual mechanical part to push them in and out. I'm not an expert on intricate mechanics and electronics, but the way I'd do it is this:

I'd have a small motor (it wouldn't need to be very powerful or fast, because it's just pushing something ideally very light) with a tiny arm attached to it on somewhat of a hinge. The other end of the arm would be attached to part of the contraption it's pushing up (perhaps one of these motors and arms in each corner). Then you'd get the motor to turn just a little and it would push the arm up and by extension the weapon you want to display. Surely that would be small enough, if you did it really well?
Many may remember the James Bond film where a rocket takes off and lands inside a volcano , the 'rocket ' was fixed to the gantry and the gantry was a disguised hydraulic platform , when the rocket fires -the gantry lifts - the rocket seems to move up out of the volcano , the reverse happens when it lands. you could fake up something like this. A few years ago I was involved in a production of Aladdin , we used a mini stacker truck with a hydraulic arm attached to a body frame via a wire rig , this was covered completely with black drop cloth as was the actor playing the genie. A flashbang was used to distract the audience, the cloth was whipped off making the genie appear. using the truck and arm behind the scenery we ' flew' the genie 10 to 20 feet in the air and round the stage it was very effective and could work for Ironman but it would need careful staging.
Actually, looking at the scene again, most of the weapons (the blue ones, at least) don't even open vertically. They basically just look like flaps that open up with some lights behind them, which would be considerably easier to do than how I had remembered them being like.
Actually, you know what? Challenge accepted! I shall attempt to make the blue flaps tomorrow. I've definitely got enough motors for all of them, but I'll only make this as a temporary thing, because I don't want to waste them. I don't have many LEDs, however, so I won't be able to make them actually glow. But I'll paint them blue, at least.

I'll post a video of it, presuming it works.
Maybe i need to add this thread to my signature as well...

OP should change it to "MY homemade Advacnded action Iron man suit weaponary and propulsion "

And for a couple of good hours of reading just check out the link in my signature.
have you considered powerful jets of air maybe in the feet and palms....bit more powerful than a fire extinguisher?...i think it would all be a little bulky though??
have you considered powerful jets of air maybe in the feet and palms....bit more powerful than a fire extinguisher?...i think it would all be a little bulky though??

That would definitely be safer than using actual jets, but it would need to be seriously powerful to get you off the ground. The thing is, hot air expands, so when you're using a combustible fuel, you don't need as much to create the same amount of thrust, because it's actually expanding (which is why it's an explosion, and a jet is basically just a constant explosion). So if you were using air, you could only blast out the same amount you had stored in the suit. But if you were using a combustible fuel, then you would be blasting out much more than what you had stored inside, since the fuel would be turned into a gas and rapidly expand (well, it's still the same amount, since you're never creating or destroying anything, but it's just in a different form).