Iron Man Mark III (Dark Asylum)

palms and fingers too???.....

oh guys and something else
i have a problem...i can not send personal messages you know why???did you have that problem too on your registration

sorry for that inrelevant post... :D
I don't know anything about pep files sorry, I did everything the old traditional method scratch building molds Might have to talk to Finhead about pepakura and the files. the hands and fingers you could do all out of plastic sheeting and weldon #3 pretty easy and just heat shaping the palm plates be easier and stronger then pep gloves take more wear and tear in the long run.
I don't know why i haven't seen this until now but i love what your doing with this suit. Even though i am new i really want to get into something else other than pep just because i think that the overall product is more durable this way and not as drawn out and long to do as the pepakura and folding, glue, resin, fiberglass, bondo, sanding, prime, paint. Steps i am missing for sure but you get the picture lol. Subscribed bro for sure this thread is hot
Man I'm starting to realize just how behind on things I am here, I do have updates to the MARK 3 actually in the last months after dropping the thread for other projects I did new hands and new Plastic belly and back section and a Version 2.5 helmet this one is completed with far more accuracy and best part fully riggable to automation using a skull cap system fit with the works and mounting points for servos Batteries arms the other shells and face plate, just more or less unbeatable engineering work on this one it's a pain to just take a helmet and butcher, mod, and rigg it to function so if you cut the middle man out saves more time and things work more flawlessly.

As far as runs on helmets I'm debating that at the moment I might look in my extra parts boxes or cave on that idea depends on the amount of interest.

And as far as War Machine I just made the one kit versionforever ago and I've never heard back to know if the guy that commissioned it ever finished and never got me pictures so really nothing new I have all the molds just never had any one else interested to pick it up again.

I got to say though it's nice to see that even though I Neglected this Thread the last year it's still been been bumped up a few times guess that means I should get up something new.
Thanks Fin, I'll have the new helmet shots up soon just a little lazy uploading.

Regardless I get asked all the time about the hands and I've put up very little so I put together so shots of the hands simple enough they were vacuum formed sections cut apart backed by elastic so there was full dexterity and movement but the plastic and paint could still match aside from function and really not to far off from Knight gauntlets.

(Sorry about the crappy Cell phone pics)

I also put together some shots of the old suit which I restored Paint and replace some old parts (Notably the Hands and new ABS plastic Ab section) this was some time at the start of the year and as far as paint these were the colors I was provided but the owner which were a little different but still looked ok.


So hopefully there wont be any more battle damage any time soon
Amazing work, Dark Asylum! Didn't you list an Ironman suit for sale on ebay a while back or was that a scammer who used one of your pics?
Thanks a update doesn't hurt.

Mild progress on this one I actually updated a bunch of parts just not everything made it into this one it was more or less going to be just paint restoring but some part especially the hand and back were pretty worn on so rather then wasting time sanding fixing and repainting I just replaced them completely and the new ABS stomach needed to be tested out.

ok I'm not sure about any scams on Ebay I had posted this same suit up on Ebay back when the owner was having a little personal issue and need to invest the money else were but things worked out and I pulled the suit off auction and he ended up keeping it instead but I don't know of any one else stealing and scamming not to my knowledge atleast if any knows something let me know.

And this not me wearing the suit I actually have never worn one of my own suits just tested a few arm parts and things for pics but never did any full on show boating or cosplay work it's really not my thing I'm all about the crafting and seeing other people enjoy the work more to be honest most of the fan made stuff has been just commissions all my Personal projects and original designs don't make it on the forms.
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