Iron Man Mark III (Dark Asylum)

Thanks a update doesn't hurt.

Mild progress on this one I actually updated a bunch of parts just not everything made it into this one it was more or less going to be just paint restoring but some part especially the hand and back were pretty worn on so rather then wasting time sanding fixing and repainting I just replaced them completely and the new ABS stomach needed to be tested out.

ok I'm not sure about any scams on Ebay I had posted this same suit up on Ebay back when the owner was having a little personal issue and need to invest the money else were but things worked out and I pulled the suit off auction and he ended up keeping it instead but I don't know of any one else stealing and scamming not to my knowledge atleast if any knows something let me know.

And this not me wearing the suit I actually have never worn one of my own suits just tested a few arm parts and things for pics but never did any full on show boating or cosplay work it's really not my thing I'm all about the crafting and seeing other people enjoy the work more to be honest most of the fan made stuff has been just commissions all my Personal projects and original designs don't make it on the forms.

Then I guess that was your listing I saw a while back! Glad it wasn't a scammer, cause I know there some low life scum out there who uses other people's costume pics to try to scam others.
Beautiful. Very impressive. What is the mobility like in that? Are the thigh/calves attached at a joint? They fit together very well. Sorry if it is listed, I didn't read through the whole thread.
im brand new here but i just had to comment on your suit! in the words of the wize man barney stinson "It is legen... wait for it... DARY" :thumbsup
Then I guess that was your listing I saw a while back! Glad it wasn't a scammer, cause I know there some low life scum out there who uses other people's costume pics to try to scam others.

No it was listed just refained from selling as soon as I did I bombed with messages if it was still available, far as I know there was only one person passing my work off as there own and it's been taken care of thanks to alot of good members here and a few other forums.

Beautiful. Very impressive. What is the mobility like in that? Are the thigh/calves attached at a joint? They fit together very well. Sorry if it is listed, I didn't read through the whole thread.

Thanks, it would be pretty much like walking around in a suit of plastic armor is about the only way I can describe it you can only move as far as the shells will go before hitting the other shells like any old suit of Plate mail, the full suit ways under 22 pounds now with out the urethane rubber middsection , the knees and elbows are the only jointed parts and the shells are already designed with the pivot points and center holes so everything lines up correctly.

I understand I can barely keep up on this thread myself.

Thanks Loco Lord, welcome to the RPF BTW

Well I never planned on going anywere I still have a life time of projects ahead me.
OK, just spent a solid two hours reading through (Almost) every post on this thread, but it was absolutely worth it! It's really cool to see someone using vacuforming to create this armor. I'm absolutely jazzed to see future updates on this build. Any thoughts on forming up the details on the inside of the helmet? Also, with your bucks, do you seal them or simply sand them to a mirror finish?
I noticed this thread has been dead for a year. What happened to DA? I've been trying to get in touch with him. Does anyone know how to contact him?
Just adding to this long lost thread last update was still a few years back the last Automated Helmet from over a year back or longer all new molds and tweaks I didn't get a chance to share before....


just a rather overly complicated duel servos running 4 lever arms and 6 way channel relay with reverse limit switches and jaw cables plus ran on 6 volts operating system and 9 volts cooling fan for luxury
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