Iron Man Mark III (Dark Asylum)

Re: New iron man suit in the the works

i really really really really really like the arms from top to bottom. when these are ready to be cranked out for sale i would LOVE to pick some up from you!
Re: New iron man suit in the the works

So far it's looking amazing....can't wait to see it fully painted & worn....
Re: New iron man suit in the the works

I doudt I'll make too many suits even with high or any interest, too many other things to tackle, and too many other people are getting into the ironman projects and rather then go with the flow I'll find other projects to work on, I'm more into custom work not in it to Marketing or mass production.

So call it a limited edition project, and I'm glad the project had such a big following and great feed back, always to have good support in any project or mission, so I say thanks and it's much appreciated.

I'll get some more updates soon and get the prototype finshed up even if it's not as nice as the new version it was the first guide to build something better so it's worth it's wait in gold in those regards.
Re: New iron man suit in the the works

the parts really look amazing keep up the great work and the look for details.

Looking forward to see this ready
Re: New iron man suit in the the works

Haven't been camping in ages, but this thread is great practice for me :)
Been camped here waiting for updates.

The suit is phenomenal.
I. Want. One.

Many thanks for sharing with us.
Re: New iron man suit in the the works

Hello and Sorry for not keeping up with things, a side from being busy as of late I kinda figured this was becoming a dead thread, with all other ironman projects in the works I'd see it hard to keep interest, I'd figured every one is sick of seeing Iron man so I'm just going to finish with the final suit has well as the prototype and move on.

I've had small updates but I don't think anything worth posting I'd hate to post minor updates that's borning stuff so I'll have something big in the near future and sorry for any disappointments hope I can make it up to every one and I wish you all the best snd thanks the interest and kind words it's much appreciated take good care of yourselves.
Re: New iron man suit in the the works

I've had small updates but I don't think anything worth posting I'd hate to post minor updates that's borning stuff so I'll have something big in the near future and sorry for any disappointments hope I can make it up to every one and I wish you all the best snd thanks the interest and kind words it's much appreciated take good care of yourselves.

thing is yours is an innovative way of doing it, and i think a few including myself who are interested in acquiring armor, fell that your method would be the superior way to go
Re: New iron man suit in the the works

There are a lot of Iron Man projects out there now but this one is on a whole other level. A lot of talented people are working on similar projects right now. In the last couple of months Iron Man suits have started to become a dime a dozen and my interest level in most all of them has plummeted, but not this one. It's an accurate suit thats made to be wearable and engineered as such. It's made like no other IM suit and this suit is the one raising the bar IMHO. It's by far the only IM suit I get excited to see updated. Unfortunately the new accessibility of Iron Man costumes is going to kill a lot of interest. I just hope that great costumes like this don't get lost in the white noise of the Iron man influx. Truly great work as always. I'm looking forward to seeing more of this but also your future projects.
Re: New iron man suit in the the works

NOOOOOOOO! Please post pics when you have completed your IM suit. Many of us have really looked forward to your progress & await the painted version of your suit.
Don't give up....
Re: New iron man suit in the the works

LOL, sorry folks I've been rushing like a headless chicken trying to finishes everything I have in the works and in a stress fest tired and beat having such a hard time focusing from the lack of sleep and any one that's seen me says I took like $#!+, I'd say it's not easy but I'm still getting things together I'm not superman but I feel like I have a monkey the size of king Kong on my back.

So every mold is done and I'm cast the latex parts plus a new shoe design with a urethane filled sole and Black ABS shell work cause I screwed up the first pair by over filling the resin support so now my big oh size 13 1/2 feet wont fit any more I think only a sized 8 or smaller will fit now and rather then carve out the over filled material I'd start over make better version plus a new helmet that looks pretty exact to the CGI version which I am pretty happy with the look more wicked arrow dinemic looking over the older version plus the new version has jaw hinging points in the shell makes full animation much easier then adding extra parts to the frame work.




This is a basic kit version with out the electronics but the shape and reconstruction makes it much easier to hing and upgrade and I added those extra line details for the new Iron man 2 Mark 4 style helmet just and extra detail I guess no extra function.

I also have pics on the stomach painted version


and some new shots of the punch lock screws and other details




And a close up flash of the prototypes color the more hot rot red with Metal flake satan coat for a little extra effect, I know the movie version was a darker red but some people ask for Hot rod red it's all a matter of taste I guess.



Well it's not much but aleast it's a update to the evolution of this project but time will be invested more into a fully paint new ABS version cause the prototype just doesn't cut it for me anymore so best finish painting it and get it out of my hair.
Re: New iron man suit in the the works

This is a fantastic thread. I can't wait to see the whole thing finished, and I'm very interested if you ever start pulling extra sets.
Re: New iron man suit in the the works

This has been absolutely fantastic to follow from the start!

I get so damn excited whenever I see new pics posted up!
Wicked job my man!
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