Yeah, that IS a cool diorama...I keep going back to check it out. I think it may be at Wonderfest, btw.
SMT kits do get a bad rap for not being accurate, but IMHO they are better than most of the old licensed, mass-produced Star Wars kits. I have a Y-wing kit (old style) and even though it isn't perfect, it's got great detail, and it's a really nice size. If you want subjects not covered by Fine Molds, these guys are your best bet. I, for one, am glad that they are doing what they can!
Truth be told, I cancelled my probot / AT-AT order, due to their delays in production. However, they gave me a great deal because I'd ordered two kits at once (and they were throwing in a snowspeeder for free) and when I decided to cancel, they refunded my cash right away. Good guys, in my experience.