Houdiniguy selling Mike Tait recasts on ebay

I don't think there is a good enough explanation... If Houdiniguy is indeed working with Tait then he should be outright banned.

I think this thread should be moved however to a more suitable location.
I don't think there is a good enough explanation... If Houdiniguy is indeed working with Tait then he should be outright banned.

I think this thread should be moved however to a more suitable location.

This is what i would like to see from Tom.(a good enough explanation") Because right now i don't know what i have. For me to say these are not cast off a Sideshow piece is as foolish as saying it was. I just don't know. When i bought them all was cool around here with Tom and the board. I even talked with people on this board who knew Tom, lived near him, and all seemed legit.

I still don't think Taint had anything to do with these molds. I have seen enough of his "endo videos" and molds to know i have never seen him make a clean mold These 5 molds i receved are very clean.
There is a way to figure this out. Who bought one of Toms rifles and also has a sideshow rifle? Measure them both. Toms should be smaller.
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jedimaster, no problem. You are correct about the vents, they are not big enough or enough of them but i am actually thankful for it. I am going to cast gelcoat/fiberglass halves for ultra low weight, assemble them and maybe chrome them.

As to the molds, i probably wouldn't have bought them if Tom didn't have a good rep here. I'm sort of stuck between a rock and a hard place now. Not sure if i can trust him or the story behind the molds so they will sit. When i get a chance i will start my "wall rack of plasma rifles". I still need to get a Calico also because i want a live fire version too.

I think the gelcoat idea is a good one then backfill with urethane foam
and they will be light enough for everyones endoskeleton to hold.
Since it's a two part mold, lay in your fiberglass, then trim it to the edges after it sets, you can use a dremel with a sanding drum, it won't hurt the rubber. Thicken the fiberglass epoxy with cabosil and butter up the edges, clamp the mold together and it'll be a nice fiberglass hollow casting.
I don't think there is a good enough explanation... If Houdiniguy is indeed working with Tait then he should be outright banned.

I think this thread should be moved however to a more suitable location.

Funny how none of Tom's friends are jumping in to this thread and posting in his defense as they have done on the previous 2 where Tom was called out ?

Also the Mods are very quiet, TK4611 did you hear back from the Mods ?
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Perhaps Tom's friends don't consider him guilty until proven innocent.

But it certainly looks bad to be sure.

These things really NEED to be confirmed before you drag somebody's name through the mud.
Yep, most definately. Back when I didn't know him.. and we were partners.. and before he screwed me over and while I was defending him because I was too stupud to know any better, he told me that was him ....

The plots thickening

The plots thickening

..and every time a thread pops up like this you know he checks it out because he can see these threads without even being a member. ( point for a pay site) So how many of you guys that have posted work with him ? bought something from him ? or bought that recast pack of chewing gum because it was cheap..? ,,come on guys man up and come clean
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