Houdiniguy selling Mike Tait recasts on ebay

I see a thread and an accusation from xstoys. What i want you to post something to substantiate what you said here. "Wasn't it also proven that it was a re-cast of a Sideshow Collectables Plasma Rifle ?"
The Sideshow rifle comes from molds made by LFS who had access to the real props. So... in what way will you be able to confirm that it's a copy of a Sideshow and not just as advertised from a screen used copy?
The Sideshow rifle comes from molds made by LFS who had access to the real props. So... in what way will you be able to confirm that it's a copy of a Sideshow and not just as advertised from a screen used copy?

I see no proof that it is not a copy from a Sideshow in fact every bit of evidence points to it being a copy . Where would Mike get a screen used Plasma rifle from ?
I read your post. You sir need to put up. Please post where this has been determined. "Wasn't it also proven that it was a re-cast of a Sideshow Collectables Plasma Rifle ? " You post a thread of accusations. Then post this important bit of info "Mike Taite = Recast " which again proves NOTHING.
The lineage of all the items are questionable. Evidence now is showing that Tom has connections with mike t. There has been three separate threads claiming Tom has been working with Mike. The plasma rifle was the first accusation, national treasure was the second, and now the x-wing model which has tom's name on it with Mike's address on it.
The pipe is a recast of relicmaker and the x-wing is a recast of something else. If Mike is making these items, and havuing Tom sell them for him for money, it would be likely the plasma rifle is a recast. No evidence was shown that it was a real screen-used or production made rifle. I dont remember seeing pictures of the original gun. Why not post pictures of the original gun?
I'll spell it out

Plasma rifle mold you own was made by Mike Tait.
Mike taite sold a Sideshow collectable Plasma Rifle "Cut" in the same places as your mold on Ebay

It doesnt take Albert Einstein to put 2 and 2 together
There you go again..... "Plasma rifle mold you own was made by Mike Tait" where do have proof of this?

"Mike taite sold a Sideshow collectable Plasma Rifle "Cut" in the same places as your mold on Ebay " Yes his is cut in the same place. If you were to mold it where would you have made the cuts? In the middle of the gun?
There you go again..... "Plasma rifle mold you own was made by Mike Tait" where do have proof of this?

"Mike taite sold a Sideshow collectable Plasma Rifle "Cut" in the same places as your mold on Ebay " Yes his is cut in the same place. If you were to mold it where would you have made the cuts? In the middle of the gun?

Do you really need proof when it comes to this dasterdly devil? I'd just steer clear, as far as I could be, from this person. It just simply doesn't matter. It is poison.
OK, firstly, Mike Tait isn't posing as Tom.
Some of the emails I received were from Tom's personal email account - not directly from ebay. For Mike Tait to do that, he would obviously need to know email and/or ebay passwords etc.
Secondly, I don't think he would have moved from Washington to Texas just to shack up with Mike Tait and sell a couple of X-wing ripoffs.
Finally, he said in an email to me that he originally bought "three of these" kits which suggests to me that he knew that he could always get another from Mike Tait.

I don't know if he is doing this as a money making scheme with Mike Tait, it seems very foolish to risk a good reputation in return for a small financial reward.
Maybe some of the members here who know Tom personally can get him to chime in with his explanation...
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