Homemade POTC Swag

this is my store bought collection of potc goodies (lol)



got a life size dj standee, 4' x 6' awe barbossa, jack dmc & awe, (and joker 8} ) bus shelter posters....18" movie manics & hot toys...
nice collection!
^ ^ Thanks!

I'm rearranging my living room and taking stuff off my shelves (thats why it looks a mess) so I can move that cabinet, and hang up another bus shelter poster. :) I thought I'd take a pic or two before I take everything down and move it around.
On my top shelf I have 3 of my McFarlane Movie Maniacs, Neca Smiling Jack Sparrow, my Black Pearl from Hawthorne Village, and my bus shelter 4 x 6 NOES poster. Hannibal Lector is there somewhere...


My Joker poster, AWE map, my gorgeous DMC Jack Sparrow 4 x 6 bus shelter poster, and my Davy Jones standee.

I'm making a studio area in my dining room. I need an area to set up my easel to hand draw the portions of the AWE map that are missing from the the current repro image. In the past I've made a mess in my kitchen working on my projects, and it was such a pain. For this new project, I need space, and things that inspire me and keep me motivated! My neighbors think I'm an oddball for having all this stuff in my living room. Oh well...They ain't seen nothing...yet! lol
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lovely collection ye all have thar,
Here be some of mine.....

Hector Barbossa belt buckle with leather belt from POTC 1,
Hector Barbossa hat buckle,
Hector barbossa sword from MR, Pendand from MR,
Cursed Aztec coin from MR,
Dead man's chest key from MR,
Jack Sparrow flintlock replica from MR,
Numerous rings from MR

some other items include, full costume, frock coat, pistols, swords, Hector Barbossa's hat, pirate boots and some other stuff of pirate nature.
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Nice stuff ye have thar mates! I too have a nice collection which can be seen if ye look up " The pirate Captain Cervantes" on facebook.
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I've been working on my chalice for over 2 years off and on in between work! FINALLY...I'm getting a wee bit closer. Height is right, but width is still not quite there...but I think I'm on the right track! :lol

(btw, I plan on cutting the base off)
I own the complete set of the original Pirates of ths Carribean action figures, including the two versions of Captain Jack Sparrow, the original two 18" tall talking Captain Jack Sparrow's, and a couple of the Master Replica coins.
I own the complete set of the original Pirates of ths Carribean action figures, including the two versions of Captain Jack Sparrow, the original two 18" tall talking Captain Jack Sparrow's, and a couple of the Master Replica coins.
I had tons of Zizzle and some 18" Jacks, but last summer some jerk broke into my garage and stole all my Zizzle figures, my Jacks, Davy Jones, and some sports collectibles. I still have my NECA's but have replaced most of my POTC figures with Hots Toys and The Walking Dead! :)
A few of my Pirates items are homemade. I made the drawing of the key myself, along with the red chest. I guess you could also say the bottle and booty were homemade, but I didn't actually make them. In other pirate news, I recently got a HUGE pirate flag, with Jack Sparrow's emblem on it, like the one he has at the end of AWE. I included a quarter in the corner, bottom left for size comparison.
2013-08-14 18.21.19.jpg
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