Help with malfunctioning AA/DST classic Trek phaser.


Master Member
So I pulled my AA phaser out of its box today and discovered that it won't play any sound effects for longer than a second or two. All of the phaser sounds and the overload effect terminate after anywhere from a half a second to two seconds. The LED goes out as well; it's as if I'm no longer holding the trigger. I happens that way with both the P1 and P2 triggers.

It's just been sitting in a box with some other toys for the last few months, and it hasn't gotten wet or been dropped or anything. I tried opening the phaser 1 to see if there was anything obviously wrong inside, but I couldn't tell if there was. This, by the way, is the white-handled repaint that came packaged with a communicator.

Has anyone else had this happen, and might anyone know what, if anything, can be done?
Is this a known issue? I'll try it, but its not behaving the way I usually associate with weak batteries; the sound and light are at full stregnth until they cut out instantly rather than being waek or wavering and taperning off.
The trigger switches are flakey to say the least. Pop it open and do a hard connection on the circuit (by pass the switch) to check that it's NOT the electronics themselves. Mine does that but if I giggle the switch around it works.

Install a better switch.
I remember someone posting a similar problem and batteries were indeed the culprit. I would try a fresh pair and let us know!
yup the batteries they send in them are very CHEAP.
if it persits send me a PM ..
i,m the old phaser fixer round here. :lol
john :cool