HALO Master Chief Costume Progress Thread (helmet rebuild begins on p.19)

Excellent progress! Sorry I haven't been on in a while. Life caught up with me and ran me over with a convoy of fully loaded semi trucks, and then a fully loaded C-5.
After four and a half years of tinkering with it, I'm finally happy with my helmet:

If you're just tuning in, the visors were vacformed in 1/16" PETG, then dyed orange and sprayed with the same mirrachrome paint I used on the old versions. Here's a side shot of my Agent Washington helmet to show off the shape:

In my rush to get this one together I installed it with the center a little too low, but you get the idea.

Here's a comparison shot against one of my "version 1" helmets:

At left, "old and busted." At right, "new hotness."

Now I just need to put together enough cash to re-mold the medium torso and crank out another five suits. (I'm selling the v2 helmets in the junkyard, hint, hint.) Then I think I'll finally be able to call this project finished.

I'm absolutely in love with the new visor. The one thing I want to ask, is the PETG thickness allow some flexibility? The one and final detail that I think will make it 100% accurate is being able to recess the half trapezoid/triangular detail that sits on each side of the visor. I really wanted to try and do this with with your first helmet, but not without needing to re-heat the visor or make some cuts with the dremel.
Now, if you are able to widen it just a bit, or just cut the shape out of the PETG, and give the appearance of being flush, I think it'll be spot on entirely

Or I'm just extremely anal
Very nice Thor. You're work always get's me in pumped to turn on my xbox. :thumbsup

If I ever get disposable income I'm gonna go broke cause of you between this suit, the Dead Space Suit, The Battle Rifle, and you're Republic Commando armor if you decide to offer copies of it. I'd want a Sniper Rifle too but thankfully for my future wallet I couldn't fit it in my house. :D
Thanks for the compliments guys. I apologize for not updating this thread more often.

Since last I posted, I've finished molds for version 2 of my medium-sized torso armor:

You can see the molds on the bench behind me in this shot:

They're put together pretty much the same way as my larger torso molds, with an inner and outer mold so I can pour into the sprues and come away with an exceptionally strong (though slightly heavy) piece. Unlike the larger torso, I made the back as a single piece, so the pieces that go up and over the shoulders are all attached in the casting.

If you were paying attention in that last shot, you probably noticed me test-fitting a cast of my new EVA helmet. Here's a shot of it before I cut it up:

Here's the same casting with the prototype (left) and one of my V2 MkVI helmets (right):

Here I am testing out the mirrorchrome on an early test pull of the visor:

And finally, here's a tinted, mirrored, trimmed visor very roughly jammed in place in a raw pull of the helmet:

Sooner or later I'll actually find a few minutes to do up a proper job of finishing one of these babies.

Stay tuned...
Hmmm, that EVA helmet is gonna be a trick to get it to sit on your head properly with that big of a visor. Are you just going to pad the inside like normal?
I'm actually still very much undecided as to how I'm going to make this one work. On the one hand, I'm tempted to put together a suspension inside like a hard hat liner. On the other hand, I'm thinking about pulling another casting and just cutting out windows so that you see through the recessed areas of the visor only. That way I can pad it like usual without rubbing the chrome off of the inside of the visor.

I'll probably end up doing both versions at some point just to see which I like better.
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I have just spent my morning reading this thread post by post, and, I like several others I saw, had to register just to say what an amazing job you've done along this marvelous project man. I hope you don't mind I stole your "Church holding baby" photo for my profile pic because that just cracked me up. I hope I can gather the funds to purchase some molds from you eventually.

I also noticed that you repetitively asked for criticism and comments and at this point I am dying to see what you would come up with on your own helmet configuration, from the bottom up.(shape, grooves, lights, visor form) I think you of all people would be highly qualified to give it a whack at this point.

Once more great job on this entire build your friends are lucky to have such a talented buddy, and keep up the good work.:thumbsup
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