Green Lantern movie Power Battery...

with each new leaked image i am finding i am least impressed with this movie than i was before. i understand aliens and such, but the power battery itself is so simple in design, what was so difficult about replicating it? i think it looks like something the cloud that played galactus in ff2 pooped out.
Ugh... why does Hollywood feel they have to over-complicate everything when it comes to prop and costume design for comic based movies? *sigh*
Yep. That's it!

I for one really like it. I've never understood why the one in the comics looks like an old fashioned railroad lantern. It's alien technology.

Also, you can't see a lot of the detail that's in it with that post production "glowy" effect.
The design reminds me of a bad art-student style domestic cubist lamp from the 1950s. The material looks like cheap green paper mache lit with a 40 watt bulb from inside. Meh.
I'm pretty stoked about the design!
Like what was said, the comic design was too Earthly. I believe this new movie design falls into the story much better - and is much more stunning to look at.
Really looking forward to that trailer (finally!) next month...
All I can say is it better be one hell of a good story for me to get past the design of the suit and power battery. I'm a major Green Lantern fan and have been so for a long time so maybe I'm a little old school too in reguards to the designs. I would have perfered something closer to the comic versions. That being said I'm still looking forward to this flick. If the movie is good then I can overlook that ugly power battery.
All I can say is it better be one hell of a good story for me to get past the design of the suit and power battery. I'm a major Green Lantern fan and have been so for a long time so maybe I'm a little old school too in reguards to the designs. I would have perfered something closer to the comic versions. That being said I'm still looking forward to this flick. If the movie is good then I can overlook that ugly power battery.

On the one hand I get the whole "it's alien technology" thing. At the same time does that mean aliens just give up on all hope of making something that doesn't look biomechanical? I mean I'm fairly open to change when it comes to converting stuff to movies, but this is just a poor design choice imo. I'm still going to see the movie opening night, but this definitely doesn't help it's case. All I'm saying is it doesn't have to be biomechanical to not be earthly.
It's not "biomechanical". There's a ton of detail in it. You'll see. Frankly, I think it looks better turned off. :lol

That being said, every time one of these comic book movies come out, all the hardcore fans complain about how the designs are different from the comic.

They don't make these movies for hardcore fans. You guys buy the comics, you'll keep buying the comics and the comic related merch even if the movie sucks. You're on-board already. They don't need to win you over and they don't care about pissing you off. You're not going to suddenly hate Green Lantern, or Thor, or Iron Man, or whatever because you hate the movie.

They make these movies for Soccer Moms and NASCAR Dads to take their kids to. People that wouldn't normally watch cartoons or buy comics. They're trying to bring it to a whole new audience, and make it accessible. They think people aren't going to buy the Power Battery looking like it came from the Polar Express, and frankly, I agree.

Look at Iron Man. They strayed WAY away from the comics, but those movies are mega-hits, and selling comics. Helping us nerds look cool.

They get a new generation pumped to pick up the comics. The movies drive the publishing, which drive more movies... etc.
They think people aren't going to buy the Power Battery looking like it came from the Polar Express, and frankly, I agree.
why does everyone mistake hal jordan's power battery for alan scotts?
alan scott's is a train lantern.

hals is already of alien origin, but shouldnt require a redesign, because its already simplistic (a sphere, with cones and a handle). if they want to do something overboard, the energy is what they should focus on. im a big fan of hal jordan, and im usually right there arguing they dont make movies for the nerds, they make them for the wider audience of people that enjoy kevin james movies and text during movies, there are some elements of this movie that in no way shape or form required a redesign.

i think they went overboard with the design of the powerbattery and his costume, and its things like that that nascar dad and soccer mom may not like because its too much going on.

hell i HATE ironman with every fiber of my being, but the movies made him almost tolerable as a character because everything they changed/adapted, was a tasteful and made perfect sense.
I never expected a direct adaption of the comic. I was expecting movie to be made to appeal to a wider audience, but I'm afraid they may have strayed too far from the source material. I agree with themanwoaname that there were some things that didn't need a total redesign, maybe a tweak here or there, but not a total redesign. When the movie comes out and if it's awesome however I'll probably be one of the first in line to buy a replica of this battery. If the movies done well I can overlook a bad prop design.
After a second thorough look at it I can see what you're talking about Stormleader. I was mistaking what looks to be a "faux gem" with a glow inside it effect for green computer generated biomech detailing. This is far superior to my original evaluation. The shape's still a little wonky but I think it'll do the job.

Replica wise I saw a bowling ball or soccer ball case that would probably do the job for this if it was cast in some sort of clear plastic. You'd have to extend the handle out some first, and add the two half spheres on the sides after the fact, but it'd work I think. It was an abs plastic clamshell case with a handle molded into it. If I can find an example I'll post it up.
i expect this to be as equally as a flop, if not worse than the movie about another one of my favorite dc characters, jonah hex.
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I've always had hope for comic films, but I just can't get excited about this one at all.

This design makes me think a Guyver Unit and a Tear of The Prophets had a ******* child.
The original power battery is simple but still awesome. But the new one is just... ugly. Looks like a vase.