Done / Completed Graflex 2.0 Razor Blade plugs

Please be sure to list your forum username in the PayPal notes when sending me payment so I know who is whom. Thanks. :)
Small update:

I have good news and bad news. The good news is that the Graflex 2.0 rings are fine and should be shipped to me on Monday. The bad news is the 1" dia. rings for my other blade plug run are not fine (they were accidentally machined over 1/8" too tall) and as such, have to be fixed and shipped to me at a later date. What this means is that I have to wait for the rings from both runs to get to me before I can ship them off to my anodizer. This is about a 7 to 9 day delay. I am sorry for the delay and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Sometime next week, I will post pics of the Graflex 2.0 Razor blade plugs rings, shaver heads and other parts. Thank you for your patience.
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Is there still room? Thanks!

(in regards to Graflex Razor Blade plug with polished aluminum bulb contact pin)
Interested if anyone falls through

The run was not completely filled, not even half way. However enough people signed on to make the run happen. As such, feel free to jump on board at any time. All the details are in the first post. Thanks. :)

Hi all. I have an update for you.

I received my test rings back from the anodizer. I sent in two that that were highly polished which I then had anodized black with NO acid etching being done beforehand (acid etching is a normal part of the type II anodizing process) in order to keep the finish an shiny as possible and two that I sent in with a lathe-sanded finish that I had bright dipped and then anodized black. The two that were polished but not acid etched came back looking super shiny, almost full gloss. I love it! The two that were just sanded and then bright dipped came back looking satin. All four look great but the more glossy ones are a closer match to the TGS blade holder as well as all of the pics I have seen of both the stock and after market Graflex 2.0 blade holders. As such, I will polish all the rings before sending them off to be anodized. You can't really see the difference in the pic below but in person it's easy to see.


In other news, while it may be a week before I get my hands on the 1" dia. rings, I did receive the Graflex 2.0 rings from my machinist and I must say, they look fantastic and all the measurements are spot on to the blueprints I sent him. The finish on them is excellent and should only require some minor polishing before I send them off to be anodized. All the other parts and materials are here as well. I have 63 shaver heads (more than enough to fullfill my current orders), a bag full of 100 1/2" long 6-32 button head screws and plenty of white plastic rod and polycarbonate tube to fullfill all my orders and then some. I am also 3/4 of the way done on making the brass and aluminum bulb contact pins. They are not polished yet but that part's easy and takes very little time. Pics...





There's still plenty of room in this run. Feel free to jump on in.

As always, thanks for reading. :)
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I am pretty sure that I can at least see part(s) of what will likely be my blade plug in these pictures, and I am getting excited! Thanks for the update.
I'd like to get an aluminum on black ! Sending payment later today

Update: Payment sent :D
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I'm in for a brass on black. Before I send payment can you confirm whether your plug will fit this saber?

Like the Graflex 2.0, that is a Park Sabers product. However I do not believe that it's the same thing. If I'm not mistaken, his Phase blades are LED string blades (as opposed to having the LED/s in the hilt itself) and I don't know if they are removable or not. If they are removable, I don't know what the diameter of the blade hole socket is or how deep it is. Your best bet would be to contact Park Sabers for that information.

If it turns out to be removable and with a 1" dia. blade socket, I also have a run of 1" dia. Graflex Razor blade plugs as well that should fit it.
Like the Graflex 2.0, that is a Park Sabers product. However I do not believe that it's the same thing. If I'm not mistaken, his Phase blades are LED string blades (as opposed to having the LED/s in the hilt itself) and I don't know if they are removable or not. If they are removable, I don't know what the diameter of the blade hole socket is or how deep it is. Your best bet would be to contact Park Sabers for that information.

If it turns out to be removable and with a 1" dia. blade socket, I also have a run of 1" dia. Graflex Razor blade plugs as well that should fit it.
Thanks. I guess I'll wait until I can measure the diameter myself. I've already sent him one email request for that info (which he ignored). I hope your runs are still going by the time I receive it. According to Parks I'll have it in a couple weeks, but that's the third time he's pushed back the date... so who knows...
Thanks. I guess I'll wait until I can measure the diameter myself. I've already sent him one email request for that info (which he ignored). I hope your runs are still going by the time I receive it. According to Parks I'll have it in a couple weeks, but that's the third time he's pushed back the date... so who knows...

These runs will be going for awhile as I had 100 rings for the Graflex 2.0 Razor blade plugs made and 50 for the 1" dia. versions and have plenty left of each.

Hi all.

I know this is not the thread for them but the 1" dia. rings for my other Graflex Razor blade plug run arrived yesterday. Since they had to be put back into the CNC equipment to fix them (they were too tall), they arrived with a lot more noticeable scratches compared to the Graflex 2.0 Razor blade plug rings. As such, they required more work. I spent yesterday sanding and buffing them. Today I will be polishing them to a high shine using liquid metal polish (more info and pics on that topic are in the other run thread).

Enough about those. You're here for updates on the Graflex 2.0 Razor blade plugs. Well then, I have good news... all 100 rings have been fully polished and packed up for shipping. Juicy pics...



I will be shipping them off to the anodizer tomorrow. It may be over a week before I get them back. Thank you for your patience.
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