GHOSTBUSTERS Pre-Release - film discussion only, no social commentary please!

Maybe Bill showing up means he's finally happy-though his comment in one of those links about "not wanting to do another because two wasn't so good" um,Billy? if you aren't comatose you might notice this one isn't even out yet and we're -this- close to fans fire bombing the studio and murdering each other.
@NeilT sorry my sicko sense of humor but the first thing that popped into my head as a comeback to the facething is "naw,he just hangs around,he don't work no more" :ninja
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danger, danger, michael bergeron ;o).......Blue alert!

:lol Ya...

Discipline 007, discipline.

Hey, some are saying this new film is going to be garbage because they think the actors will simply ad-lib their lines. What they don't realize is that ad-libbing played a huge role during the shooting of the original movie. It's all over the place and it's well done. So why are they complaining about it now?

Has to do with the chemistry that the original guys had both on and off screen as friends and co-workers over a long period prior to the film as opposed to an assembled cast. However all I meant by my comment is that gender means nothing to the success or failure of the film to me. Could be all men, could be all women, it's subject to the same potential pitfalls. That's why the comment stood out as odd to me.

However, I've been bad in this thread once already so I'll leave it at that. :)
so, here's a question... if they where rebooting it the proper way, and telling a story with peter, ray, egon, winston and janine, who would you re cast as those characters?

I could see Chris Prat as a kind of Venkman. The guy who plays Joe on CW's Flash as Winston. Chris Evans might even work as a gullible ray character.

but that's about all I can think up. I don't follow much modern stuff to know who's who in hollywood. but it would also help if the actors had ahistory together, like the original movie did, so they could improvise well...
so, here's a question... if they where rebooting it the proper way, and telling a story with peter, ray, egon, winston and janine, who would you re cast as those characters?

I could see Chris Prat as a kind of Venkman. The guy who plays Joe on CW's Flash as Winston. Chris Evans might even work as a gullible ray character.

but that's about all I can think up. I don't follow much modern stuff to know who's who in hollywood. but it would also help if the actors had ahistory together, like the original movie did, so they could improvise well...

Honestly, they shouldn't REBOOT this... it would be so much easier to just continue the storyline only telling tales of different francise locations... like for example... they could have an office in Detroit and a whole new set of characters... and then another one in LA with a whole new set of characters. Get some of the top comics of the day to team up to be a Ghostbuster! I could see Kevin James, Will Farrell, Martin Short and Chris Rock as a GB Team in like Seattle... and they have their own movie... then Will Smith, Kevin Kline, Eugene Levy and Martin Lawrence as a team in Miami. And of course you could end up having an all female team like they are going for now... Or who knows, maybe a mix of cast members and turn it into like comedy crime movie with ghosts instead of criminals. Of course the original cast can make cameos from time to time, but that's all that's really needed. They don't need to reboot/remake this movie... they just need to continue it in the same universe only Ghostbusters Inc now has offices all over the place! Done right it could spawn a TV series, with Zach Efron and D.J. Squalls! It would end up being an honor for all top comics to be chosen to be a Ghostbuster in the next movie and could quite possibly go on forever! The possibilities would be endless if they take it that direction. If they make a reboot of this movie, it'll kill the entire francise and end up like the Fantastic Four. No one would even want to see it again! Is that what you really want Hollywood?
Ya, continuation is the only way. If one of these ladies was say, Ray's niece, I'd have a much more positive outlook on the film. Don't even need any cameos, film starts with her inheriting the firehouse and finding the old outdated equipment. She and a few of her friends, geniuses in their own right, restart the business with new and improved tech.

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Ya, continuation is the only way.

preaching to the choir here......could have even had janine start her own franchise in chicago....all you'd need is a quick scene with ray in the begining saying something like 'so, the equipment is all set know how to use it...give us a call if needed...good luck!'

it's a shame that the idiots in charge at sony care so little about it, that they couldn't think up something so simple.
It wouldn't even need contrivances like Egon's niece or Oscar Barrett at the helm. Aykroyd's original treatment had the story set in the future - right about now, actually - and the job was a common blue-collar gig. Like "ghost janitors." No reason why they couldn't have just had new Ghostbusters working their shift when a new, bigger sort of problem comes along.
True, just trying to keep the "unique" quality of the job which I think is what many suppoters of the current project
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True, just trying to keep the "unique" quality of the job which I think is what many suppoters of the current project
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That "unique" quality is valuable! They were superheroes to me as a kid. I think I'd probably still be fine with a continuation without connection. It could still be a small company with a handful of employees and no mention/connection to the original team if it was 30 years down the line in that continuity. Maybe have Winston at the head of it, something simple and believable after 30 years in a small business' lifespan to connect the films.

LOL,, Wtf is that?

And he looks like a serial killer from the set of Dexter or from a horror movie. By day he fixes your toaster, by night he's out hunting for his next victim .
at least HE looks happy.

Oh Thor. We KNOW you want to do comedy. and we know there are slim pickings in comedy masters around these days, so your choices are limited....but reduced to this?

sigh. please let the dance number bein it still... PLEASE let the dance number be in it still....then everyone can agree this is crap ;o)
just so we realize why this movie is a gimmick.....
we all know WHY it's thor, and not someone like Kevin James, correct?

It's funny seeing the responses on FB. the same people bashing folks up for making derogatory comments are also the same ones drooling over thor ;o)
and making the same type of comments about him ;o)

and we've still got11 months to go ;o)
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