GHOSTBUSTERS Pre-Release - film discussion only, no social commentary please!

I think you misunderstand the comparison I made.

I was comparing the upcoming GB rehash's probably performance -- along with its sequels -- to how the Hangover did. Maybe not quite as well as the Hangover, even. It'll just be a movie. It won't be a landmark, it won't inspire anyone to greatness, it'll just be some random movie that people years later say "Oh yeah. That one. That was ok. The third one sucked, though."

I think it'll end up going the way of the F4 or even the Addams Family Values did after Raul Julia died and they stuck Darryl Hannah and Tim Curray in the roles (really... it was that bad!) If they do a test market on it before releasing it nationally, they may end up doing a bunch of reshooting... but if not they will loose alot of fans and money!
The fact that the new team is all-female is pointed to really often in the film dialogue, for those who are curious. Conversations like this one, where they show up to a bust, abound:

"Oh, are you the Ghostbusters? Dr. so and so had me expecting something different."

"Why, is it because we're women?"

"No, it's because you look like garbage men."

"Garbage women."
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The fact that the new team is all-female is pointed to really often in the film dialogue, for those who are curious. Conversations like this one, where they show up to a bust, abound:

"Oh, are you the Ghostbusters? Dr. so and so had me expecting something different."

"Why, is it because we're women?"

"No, it's because you look like garbage men."

"Garbage women."

Maybe it's funnier in context, but just written out like that, it seems like they're going for the lowest of the low-hanging fruit. Like, picking it up off the ground.

Again, we're dealing with comedy, so timing and context play a big role, but lines like this and the "crazy white people" line and really just...doesn't sound funny. Like, at all. To be honest, it sounds like supremely lazy writing.
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Maybe it's funnier in context, but just written out like that, it seems like they're going for the lowest of the low-hanging fruit. Like, picking it up off the ground.
Again, we're dealing with comedy, so timing and context play a big role, but lines like this and the "crazy white people" line and really just...doesn't sound funny. Like, at all. To be honest, it sounds like supremely lazy writing.

That's what you get when you beg an uninterested director over and over to just please "make us a Ghostbusters real quick" until he agrees on terms he probably proposed in order to get you to finally stop asking...

Lazy writing is on the page, but a lot of what's being filmed is being riffed on the spot and I don't see the unique talent for that difficult approach to comedy in Feig or his cast. The jokes are beyond expected, nothing you haven't heard before. In the example above, I don't think the guy even called them "Ghostbusters" when they walked in, but "Ghost Breakers" or "Ghost Doctors" or something else. Who doesn't love a good lack-of-basic-comprehension bit? That's really the level of comedy we're looking at when this thing oozes its way into theaters next summer...
Who doesn't love a good lack-of-basic-comprehension bit? That's really the level of comedy we're looking at when this thing oozes its way into theaters next summer...

honestly, even though there has been dumb comedy before it, I think it's more prevalent now thanks to the likes of Family Guy. but that's a whole nother topic. studios don't try as much anymore to make something special. we could have had a great tmnt movie, that could have been paramounts batman if done right....but instead it was handed off to the explosions guy like a bad stepchild they where ashamed to have around...

Personally, I think this will be a mediocre hit. I don't see it making $400 million like tmnt did. TMNT has not only an ingrained fan base and the children of that fan base...but they've also had new media out in almost three generations, so you have NEW generations discovering it. that, combined with positive nostalgia is what drove it to $400 million.

With only have the original fans, and the children of those original fans. a much smaller number. it's been a literal dead franchise since 90s and EGB. Plus, feig doesn't have the name recognition of Michael Bay, so people won't flock to it just because he's working on it. you also have a largely unknown cast, that, if you don't stay up till 12 AM on a saturday night....most people don't even know. I would argue Thor is the best known name on there next to McCarthy. and that's only because of Marvel being what it is.. My rough estimate for it's opening week would be $25 million... with a total gross of $90 million. and that's IF word of mouth doesn't kill it in it's second week.

Also, seems sigourney weaver might have taken on a walk on guest role, but so far only one website is reporting it.
heh, I actually had a GB nightmare last night. in it was a trailer of the movie. the trailer was so bad, it was unwatchable...but the trailer also premiered the theme song, which was a dance/disco version of the oriignal theme that I loved. go figure ;o).
That's what you get when you beg an uninterested director over and over to just please "make us a Ghostbusters real quick" until he agrees on terms he probably proposed in order to get you to finally stop asking...

Lazy writing is on the page, but a lot of what's being filmed is being riffed on the spot and I don't see the unique talent for that difficult approach to comedy in Feig or his cast. The jokes are beyond expected, nothing you haven't heard before. In the example above, I don't think the guy even called them "Ghostbusters" when they walked in, but "Ghost Breakers" or "Ghost Doctors" or something else. Who doesn't love a good lack-of-basic-comprehension bit? That's really the level of comedy we're looking at when this thing oozes its way into theaters next summer...

It just seems really uninspired. Like, they went to all this trouble to get away from the last movie, but they can't help referencing it, and the rest of the jokes (the ones you've publicized anyway), just seem...lame. Like, it's not as if they're "trying too hard." It's more like they aren't really trying at all. Maybe folks assume that the names involved (Ghostbusters and the cast members) plus the fact that it's women will sell the film alone, which, if true, is a massive disservice to everyone involved. It's not as if these people don't have actual talent (well, the ones I know, anyway). But it doesn't sound like much of it is on display here.
At this point all I can say is "ugh". :(

at this point, it can only work in the 'haters' favor. with a bad shooting script, actresses who may not be improv masters with 'sweaty white people' lines(Lord knows Thor isn't)......and extras changing 'major' scenes with simple chants that the director should have thought of in the beginning....

this might be the second movie even rifftrax couldn't save.

some more set images. man that is one ugly ass car. there is literally no thought to the design. it's got the biggest roof yet but so little equipment on top!
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That's the thing. I think almost all of the actresses have an improv background, working with either Second City or the Groundlings.
yeah, but I think we can agree there are different levels of improv.

Someone as great as john candy couldn't figure out how to make louis tully work.

are they at the level of a john candy or garret morris? or are they at the level of a gilda radner who seems like she could go for hours in character without a script if needed.? or a belushi?
That doesn't necessarily reflect the skill of the improv artist. Some people are better at playing different types of characters, and for them, their minds just couldn't handle one kind of character, whereas another is just more natural for them. Maybe Louis Tully was difficult for Candy to conceive, but Rick Moranis (who was on SCTV but hadn't worked in the Second City stage troupe) managed to nail the character. Different strengths for different actors.
They'd have been better off making a Real Ghostbusters cartoon movie compared to this thing.

good, syndicated Real Ghostbusters.... or changed peter venkman, always nice to slimer to the point of sickening, terrible ABC real ghostbusters? ;o)

been having a marathon lately, just to get away from all this reboot mess....

It's amazing how much the show changed. the first dozen or so episodes with Arsenio still around are Ok. but after he leaves, it's really hit or miss in quality. Once Louis Tully shows up, the quality is almost non existent....same goes for the animation.. And Coulier really annoys me as venkman. he might get the impression down...but he forgets to act while doing it. lorenzo could emote better. past Sticky Business, the episodes get tougher and tougher to watch.
So, here's the thing.

The people involved may be really nice and such. But that doesn't mean their movie will be good. Nor that it will be funny (because it could be one without being the other).

And, to be honest, I think part of Murray's willingness also comes from the fact that it isn't a direct sequel, and therefore, nothing's really riding on him for success. Venkman kind of became the central figure in the previous two films, and I think Murray was just...disinterested in playing that guy again. Doubly so if it meant that he'd have the movie riding on his shoulders, no matter how capable he is. I just don't think his heart was in it for another round as Venkman. But, show up for a few days of shooting with some people he generally likes in a low-pressure cameo? Sure, why not? What the ****. >shrug<
of course they are going to be really nice. they want him in the movie, and they know what kind of personality he is. they where probably promising him the world and delivering some of it.

I also like the fact that he's so high on himself that he thinks people will give it a bad rating just because he didn't do it. (sad part is he might be right on that)..
Honestly, I think he's right. I don't think he's "high on himself," either. I think it's more that he just has very little patience for much of the disingenuous bull**** that runs int he background in Hollywood and in terms of stars' relationships with the public. If he'd refused to be in it, people would've said "Ooooooh, sick burn! Bill Murray hates the new project and doesn't wanna be involved!" As for them being nice to him, I'm sure they were. But they may also be legitimately nice people on a personal level. From what I've heard, while there are people who are jackasses in Hollywood, at least when it comes to dealing with their peers, the people who stick around are those who are generally agreeable or at least not totally obnoxious. The ones who get a reputation as being "difficult to work with" end up finding that there ain't much work coming their way.
So they're hard to say no to? but it's easy to tell Dan,Harold,and Ivan to flip off? geeze if I was any of the living part of that I'd be hard pressed to not give Billy a friendly pop in the kisser next time I saw him,and if I was Harold I'd be haunting his egotistical butt.

What a jerk.
So they're hard to say no to? but it's easy to tell Dan,Harold,and Ivan to flip off? geeze if I was any of the living part of that I'd be hard pressed to not give Billy a friendly pop in the kisser next time I saw him,and if I was Harold I'd be haunting his egotistical butt.

What a jerk.

Because since Ghostbusters 2 the only that's really had much success has been Bill Murray, he's kind of become something of a big star. Generally speaking, unless you're a really big star with lots and lots of big, successful movies to your credit, your relevance depends a lot on when your last movie came out and how well it did. Out of the 3, Bill Murray has had more recent movies that were critical, if not financial, successes so in Hollywood that makes him much harder to dismiss.
Out of the 3, Bill Murray has had more recent movies that were critical, if not financial, successes so in Hollywood that makes him much harder to dismiss.

not very well loved though....probably. from what I Gather, his co workers just kind of tolerate him...ramis out right hated him for years....but the fans love him though..

I don't know. I appreciate his position....that he's a real professional when it comes to his job..but I hear he may have a lot of personal problems...

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