Ghostbusters (2016) (Post-release)

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Re: Ghostbusters Post Release


You might be surprised, but I actually think the movie will be terrible, at least from my P.OV. - I simply can't stand Paul Feig's brand of 'humour', along with Apatow, Rogan et al. Horrible unlikeable characters, fat ladies falling over and women with explosive diarrhea aren't hitting me on the chuckle bone.

I also think this movie is a cynical cash-grab that has been horribly marketed by Sony and Feig. The obnoxious, caustic mysogyny is undoubtedly out there, but they have simply picked up on that, painted all GB fanboys with the same brush, and run with the inevitable backlash in a dishonest and exploitative way that provokes maximum publicity, while making any objective appraisal of the actual quality of the movie almost impossible. Hence box office will be the true judge of its value.

All that said, I have absolutely no problem with anyone who is excited for, or positive about, the movie having their say. Which they should be able to do without facing a hail of passive aggressive attacks, which seems, at least to me, something you do a lot. Granted, a lot is lost is the written word, most of all tone, but in the sea of negativity (much of it downright tin-hat level), victim-card playing, pity-party posting and general nastiness of these threads, can get completely lost.

I'll take your word for it that no personal attacks were intended by you, I just feel that if everyone toned down the rhetoric (I know that will fall on deaf ears to certain parties) these threads would be much more inclusive and pleasant to contribute to.

For the most part we see eye to eye, except the part about me administering passive aggressive attacks, but you explained your reasoning. But like I said, everything else I agree with. You obviously seem like a well spoken person and hopefully we can have a nice conversation in the future regarding something else that isnt such a hot button topic. :cheers
Re: Ghostbusters Post Release

For the most part we see eye to eye, except the part about me administering passive aggressive attacks, but you explained your reasoning. But like I said, everything else I agree with. You obviously seem like a well spoken person and hopefully we can have a nice conversation in the future regarding something else that isnt such a hot button topic. :cheers
I see your :cheers and raise you :cheers:cheers:cheers
Did anyone here happen to get shots of the GB art gallery exhibition at The Perk Nerd last week? I've seen a ton of event photos, but I would love to see the art!
Yeah that's ridiculous !!!
I wonder how David Manning would review this movie ???

the new youtube version of david manning has been exposed already.

only next time they need to find a better actor ;o).

According to that one youtuber, if you use these, they don't count toward the box office gross. lets redeem these two and make a movie exception of going friday night.
I want to see crowd reaction, theater fullness...and just plain if anyone can make it through the damn thing.

----edit ---- i wonder if you can combine coupon codes so you don't have to pay full price. i've never done this before. if not, i'll just wait till it hits the $5 price tag.

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Certified or endorsed fresh... one of those ;)

I can't wait to know your thoughts on the film when you get out from watching it!

Only one more day til release eve.
I can't wait to know your thoughts on the film when you get out from watching it!
My pre-game expectations (not having read any detailed reviews)-- I'll like it, won't love it. I'm expecting be a fun, RGB-esque modern popcorn movie. I'm not going to be lovingly displaying a GB16 one-sheet in my office, but I'll be shocked if I leave completely disappointed. I'm going in not expecting it to top the original, just as I do all reboots of stuff I enjoy.
Certified or endorsed fresh... one of those ;)

I can't wait to know your thoughts on the film when you get out from watching it!

Only one more day til release eve.

Darn. I guess when they say up to 7.50, they mean up to 7.50. I guess you can't combine it with other free offers either.
Oh well, I'll keep 'em handy till it hits the 5.50 d iscount price next week hopefully ;o)..

articles are popping up on how this thing isn't going to be playing in china..

and then you have stuff like this

which sounds like spin to me since considering pets has been out for a week already.

If anyone goes tomorrow, i'd be interested in theater shots with movie playing, either full or empty. it'll give us an indication of how it's doing.
In the end, it's all about the Benjamins, baby. Box office is ultimately all that matters. Mixed reviews to me seem like a wash. Some people like it, some don't. At a guess, this reflects how the public will respond. So the real question becomes not whether people LIKED it, but rather whether people paid for a ticket.

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I was planning on checking it out this weekend, get a feel for the audience.... but alas I'm at a music festival so it'll have to wait til next week.
In the end, it's all about the Benjamins, baby. Box office is ultimately all that matters. Mixed reviews to me seem like a wash. Some people like it, some don't. At a guess, this reflects how the public will respond. So the real question becomes not whether people LIKED it, but rather whether people paid for a ticket.

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Exactly. Nothing else matters, but the money. Dollars measure success. If the audience wants to call BS and not answer the call then they'll speak with their wallets and not hand over the $13 (or whatever the admission in your area is) to see it this weekend.
Well this movie does have one thing going for it: no matter what it can't get worse reviews than the new video game based on it.

I had to look it god...the cringe factor. i'm getting great abs bending over so much.
I do kind of like the animation style though. reminds me of cgi egb. but if that new animated series is going to be referencing this movie. ugh....

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Certified or endorsed fresh... one of those ;)

I can't wait to know your thoughts on the film when you get out from watching it!

Only one more day til release eve.

And the Top Critics on RT peg it at 48% Fresh. Just checked the presales again at my local theater and the Arch Light in Sherman oaks. One has 14 out of 129 seats presold and the other is about 10% presold. Most theateres around me (LA) have multiple showings in 2D and 3D, so this is hitting a lot of screens.

Im also seeing more ads on Adult Swim over the last couple of nights, specifically the Sham Wow ad. They are ramping up the ads, and we will see ads over the weekend with 4 stars plastered across the screen. "Go see the number 1 comedy in America."
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