Generations Dr. Soran Borg Blaster Kits??

Captain Dunsel

Legendary Member
I've always had a thing for Dr. Soran's Borg Blaster from Generations (especially the way it rotates, gangsta style, as if to "put a cap" in someone).

Does anyone have a source for a kit of this weapon?

I know it shows up, occassionally, as an excellent build up on Ebay but I'm really looking for a kit.

There is someone who is going to make some kits actually, I'll post more info when the project gets more concrete!
I love Soran's disruptor! A not-so-subtle weapon for a not-so-subtle character. :)

Someone is making kits? And it's not ricksprops?
That's great info.

As to the "Borg Blaster" designation, I had read "somewhere" that the blaster was intended to be Borg Technology which Soran had scavanged from his encounter with the Borg, etc.

It does fit in with the Borg Techno look and servo movement, and it's distinctive blaster bolt "scream" and green shade match the look of the Borg Weapons.

I could be wrong.
Really??? Screen cap anyone!!!
Here ya go... and a link to the youtube video of the alternate ending of Generations that contains this blaster.

