Firefly Weapons Collection


Sr Member

First pic of several to come.

The Hero of Canton, The Man They Call Jayne!
Binky, Boo, Fighting Elves and Gee, sure would be nice if
we had some grenades, Dontcha Think!
All metal Jayne LeMat, one of four, and
machined aluminum pop open Serenity grenades (not finished).

Four Firefly Jayne Cobb Lemats, nearly complete.
One for me, one for a fellow Browncoat, one for my son, one for eBay.

What kind of Firefly weapons collection wouldn't have a Mal pistol?!
A Phillipes casting with wooden grips and lots of work to go.
I'd like to put a steel barrel insert in this to give it a bit more heft.
The PAL is a resin copy I hollowed out on a vertical mill and put a working red light in it.
Needs painted, but there is a Browncoats helmet.
The little copper box is a Tracy message recorder.
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A candy bar ad and a pilfered pistol.
In the hands of the right 90 lb. girl; a deadly combination.
The upper right is an eBay purchase that I m planning to modify.
The lower pistol is a metal non-firing replica from Japan.
That's the one I'm most interested in finishing.

I remember some bad guys on Firefly...

Jubal Early's stylistic but functionally impossible pistol.
I have two of these, with one for me and one for eBay.

I know the Operative sword looks brass, but its not. Some light trick on stainless steel.
Not a true Operative sword, but with a little work on the handles, close enough.

These are the pieces I plan to incorporate into a SERENITY Operative display.
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wow! i'm impressed!

do you have any more info / good links for that wash pistol? i've got 2 friends doing a wash outfit that would love to know more!

and i'm mighty interested in that machined grenade... :)

i should really get some pics of all my stuff online!
where did you pick up that grenade? That is sweet and I know I would love 1.........

Those are beautiful!

I'm slowly working on getting a Firefly/Serenity display set up.

All I have now is the money pack, and a Mal Pistol kit. I need to get crackin!