Master Replicas does not have a license to manufacture anything from Serenity. It's as simple as that.
An e-mail to Master Replicas will confirm this should you have any doubts or even care to go to such lengths.
QMx is indeed the primary license holder for all Serenity props & ships.
Just a friendly FYI :thumbsup
Regardless of maker, I am good with "Shelf Pieces". For those of us who do not dress up/ wear costumes, even things like Mal's gun are really just shelf pieces anyway. I am more then happy that someone will be making something, then I am worry aboiut what they start making. Regardless of how much I love the show, the fact that someone is making props of a short-lived (cancelled) TV show from a few years ago, and a movie that just did "alright" at the box office suprises me, but makes me happy.
Master Replicas is going to be doing some props from Serenity movie.
I need lots of opinions on this.
Is the MR props being *(shelf pecies) what fans want ?
* my meaning is fans I have seen want costuming pieces some thing durable to wear, use in a holster
to put on to use.
What are you feelings on this ??????
P.S. dear moderators this is not a pick on MR thread I just curious what the opion on the prop(s)
is. Wear OR shelf is popular
JR :cheers
Type of replicas: Who cares... either way...
I give UP....
Forget i even ask the question
Here is the question you are all hell bent on answering
WHO HAS THE LICENSE ??????? [/b]
So you are easy going , The reason I ask the question in my circle of friends we all want stuff to wear
to events. I want to see if the rest of the world feels that way or it is just us. [/b]
[ quote]The reason I ask the question in my circle of friends we all want stuff to wear
to events.