I've always enjoyed taking a very small subject and doing something eye-popping to it to make it into something better. I love the start you have on this one and I am certainly taking notes! Your idea for doing the two gear bays is genious!
Nice work! This will eb very cool when done!
Thats comming along nicely, giving me plenty of ideas. Picked one of these up today and i am impressed by the amount of detail they got into something so small !!
saw the Falcon you've painted, looks great, hope mine will come close to it.
Thats just a few oil washes, really. Im sure with your ambition and attention to details, your paint job will be great. :thumbsup
If the paintjob on this comes out half as well as the build has, it is going to be an awsome looking little model.
He hoe is tie?Hello there,
Are you planning on adding some lights as well. I.E. with fiber optic lighting?
Great eye for detail and excellent photography of your work in progress.