I bring this question up every few years looking for an answer and I STILL haven't found a reasonable answer.
In Empire, when Han is being dipped in carbonite, Chewie freaks, starts throwing troopers everywhere, Boba raises his rifle to fry our favorite wookie and Vader stops him.
I had the opportunity to catch Steven Sansweet at a convention in 2001 and asked him the same question. He just stared at me and blinked. He looked around and noticed about 15 other people had heard the question and were staring at him for an answer.
His response? "Hmmm, that's a stumper. Let me think on it and I'll get back to you." To be fair, he DID! He found ME walking around a couple of hours later and approached me with the (his) answer: Vader remembered C-3PO from his childhood. Vader wasn't stopping Boba Fett from shooting CHEWBACCA, Vader was afraid he would hit C-3PO. This proves that George Lucas had planned as far back as Empire that he had always intended to have Vader (Anakin) build 3po from the ground up and have a self made friend (ala The Phantom Menace).
Personally, I call BS. I can't even believe that was his answer! :confused
Maybe he's changed his standpoint since then but that was the day I lost all respect for the man.
Regardless, why do YOU think Vader stopped Boba Fett from firing at Chewbacca?
In Empire, when Han is being dipped in carbonite, Chewie freaks, starts throwing troopers everywhere, Boba raises his rifle to fry our favorite wookie and Vader stops him.
I had the opportunity to catch Steven Sansweet at a convention in 2001 and asked him the same question. He just stared at me and blinked. He looked around and noticed about 15 other people had heard the question and were staring at him for an answer.
His response? "Hmmm, that's a stumper. Let me think on it and I'll get back to you." To be fair, he DID! He found ME walking around a couple of hours later and approached me with the (his) answer: Vader remembered C-3PO from his childhood. Vader wasn't stopping Boba Fett from shooting CHEWBACCA, Vader was afraid he would hit C-3PO. This proves that George Lucas had planned as far back as Empire that he had always intended to have Vader (Anakin) build 3po from the ground up and have a self made friend (ala The Phantom Menace).
Personally, I call BS. I can't even believe that was his answer! :confused
Maybe he's changed his standpoint since then but that was the day I lost all respect for the man.
Regardless, why do YOU think Vader stopped Boba Fett from firing at Chewbacca?