EFX X Wing Arrival, Thoughts & Pictures

One thing I am really liking is that it looks like the hinged canopy is removable. That will definitely be replaced on mine.:)
No repaint's going to repair that awkward fudging of the nose/fuselage relationship - most painfully revealed in the profile shot.

At first glance to me the nose looked OK - what do you have as a comparison shot that looks different? Not saying you're wrong - just curious which reference you see that is that different to the model there.

Jedi Dade
The real Red 5 had a sleeker, stronger, sturdier, more assertive nose/fuselage (like all ILM X-wings - pyros, heroes, whatever). To me, I'm afraid the EfX is pitifully bad in this area. Even MPC in kit form back in '78, while not actually having a particularly accurate nose or fuselage, at least managed to get more strength of line than this! But judge for yourself:
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Now I am REALLY glad I passed. At first I said no, then I said maybe, and finally I said too much $. Turns out it's a hasbro toy looking thing. Boy did they screw up the nose. And they all need repainting. Whoo boy.
Man, that's a shame. I was sort of bummed that I had decided against getting one of these. But, judging from those pics, the final product would have bummed me out a lot more. No factory paint job will ever measure up, but...I don't know. Not very impressive, especially for the price.
The real Red 5 had a sleeker, stronger, sturdier, more assertive nose/fuselage (like all ILM X-wings - pyros, heroes, whatever). To me, I'm afraid the EfX is pitifully bad in this area. Even MPC in kit form back in '78, while not actually having a totally accurate nose or fuselage, at least managed to get more strength of line than this! But judge for yourself:

Is that pic the CGI Red 5? The reason I ask is that a lot of the other detailing including the paint panels colors are way different... Only the 5 stripes say its the same ship :confused

But form that I do see what you are referring to. the nose is a bit "sharper" Nto a lot but enough to notice if you're really looking hard... But I still would liek to know if thats the remastered CGI red 5... I have a DVD of the "original original". I may have to go back and do some screen caps... just for the sake of it ;)

Jedi Dade
I hate to be negative, because I really respect MR and EFX, but that nose just doesn't look right.

Perhaps it's the camera. It looks better in other pics.

In regards to the canopy, is the structure that holds in the glass too thick?
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But form that I do see what you are referring to. the nose is a bit "sharper" Nto a lot but enough to notice if you're really looking hard... But I still would liek to know if thats the remastered CGI red 5... I have a DVD of the "original original". I may have to go back and do some screen caps... just for the sake of it ;)

Jedi Dade

You see, to me, I don't have to look hard. Without even wanting to look for errors (I do try to look on the best of things), that nose jumped right out as not only inaccurate, but weakly drawn, weak lines of force (I'm using drawing terms from art criticism now). Strength in abstract line construction is lacking. In these terms MPC is way ahead of EFX re the nose. The EFX upper line of the fuselage kind of dips just before it meets the nosecap, which in turn is kind of lifting away from the horizontal of the fuselage - and not in a smooth sweep like Red 2 but with a jerk. It's just soft, floppy. In short, it's not DYNAMIC; the prop and the MPC are.

Having said that, it doesn't look too bad in the 3/4 views, but the profile elevation is always the acid test for an X nose.
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Sounds like a resounding thumbs down for this piece from the forum. So my question is how many who have put down deposits are still happy to follow through with acquiring the X-wing? It is a limited piece, there exists unfortunately no studio scale kit anymore which is one of the reasons I went with a third party supplier for the model.

Then again there will never be another offering of a finished attack ready Red-5, furthermore there are many who aren't as familiar with the authentic detailing as members here and hence will be satisfied. This will sell out, but consider also this is a 'mass produced' item painted by those who could give a hoot about how the fighter looked on screen. Having said that I too am a little unhappy with the nose and the piece perhaps warrants a repaint and if you have the stomach - little surgery...all for £999.....RRP in the UK is £1500....
I would really like to learn the thoughts of the EFX team about the nose ?

Didn't they notice it ?
How did they decide to go production like this ?
I know some of the guys ( experts ) from forums like here helped them, none of them noticed about this nose, is it possible ?

Please Amy and Bryan, tell as about this nose in more details...
Commissioned builds are always much better than licensed crap.

Like mine. Beautiful in any light.





And it cost less in the long run too.

Salzo's kit combined with R. Leslie's skills made for a real one of a kind SS replica.
There are some places this looks pretty sharp, but that "butt plate" or whatever it is looks horrible. I'm not much of a painter, and I probably couldn't do better than this, but I could do almost as good for half as much, so that's pretty easy math!
If that pic is the Model Red 5 then where the heck did the dark gray panels come from on the EFX??? And where is the raised detailing on the body that is clearly seen on the screen cap? This is getting depressing...

OK I spent like 5 minutes in MS paint... I resized the EfX pic to "about" the same size just for easy comparison - no its not dead the same but that's not what I was going for... I then marked up the pic with a bunch of totally obvious things that are very different... ugh...

OMG - I just noticed the Barber poles are on the wrong spot... this has got to be a pre-production shot there's no way that could mess that up in production right???

Jedi Dade
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i think those raised panels are there - they're just a bit soft.

I don't know why those grey panels are so dark. (but that's what repaints are for).

I'm still going through with it - worse comes to worse I'll get it repainted.
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