ED-209 (full scale) Costume/Statue

Hey there, we supervised a project like yours a few months ago.
Although their Ed-209 wasn't really 1:1, but in the end it came out really good and when moving it was a great scene to watch!

You can see here how it worked out. It could help you solve some issues maybe ;)


Robocop vs ED 209 by Andrea e Silvia feat. Fulvio - YouTube

And if you have any questions, feel free to ask man ;)

good luck!
This looks awesome! I'm actually working on a full scale model myself at the moment, its still in the development and CAD stage but i found a fantastic free model online that im working from: you can download it here... https://grabcad.com/library/ed-209-from-robocop-movie if you need any more reference material that is.

My build is going to be from recycled cardboard and I will only have one weekend to build it. I attend an Eco Festival each year and build something, and this year im going for more detail and complexity than ever! In previous years, ive built a couple of Optimus Primes as well as a batmobile, check out my imgur page if you want to have a look.

chrisgreendesign's albums - Imgur
Do you have a front view plan for how your human body will fit inside the ED-209 shape? I can't quite figure how much of your legs will be exposed or how wide of a stance it's going to require.

As soon as I saw the side view on DarthVader1's Facebook page, I said "Bad idea. What if the convention center has stairs?"

But joking aside, I have some real concerns about how dangerous it will be to walk in this thing. Stilt walking with the extensions straight down from your hips is all well and good, but the distance between ED's very large feet will be forcing you into a very wide stance the way I'm picturing it.

Either a smaller scale might have been better, like the one shown by Pannaus Props, or forget trying to make it wearable and just focus on it as a statue. Because with your feet up off the ground, and your upper body completely encased, if you make a misstep you're going over. Hard.

This is excellent craftsmanship and an admirable creation, but it's not worth hurting yourself over.

Hey there, we supervised a project like yours a few months ago.
Although their Ed-209 wasn't really 1:1, but in the end it came out really good and when moving it was a great scene to watch!

You can see here how it worked out. It could help you solve some issues maybe ;)

And if you have any questions, feel free to ask man ;)

good luck!

Thanks, I actually just watched this a few weeks ago. They look great and the squirrel part was hilarious. (I think it was a squirrel) :]
This looks awesome! I'm actually working on a full scale model myself at the moment, its still in the development and CAD stage but i found a fantastic free model online that im working from: you can download it here... https://grabcad.com/library/ed-209-from-robocop-movie if you need any more reference material that is.

My build is going to be from recycled cardboard and I will only have one weekend to build it. I attend an Eco Festival each year and build something, and this year im going for more detail and complexity than ever! In previous years, ive built a couple of Optimus Primes as well as a batmobile, check out my imgur page if you want to have a look.

Thank you, i'll give it a look through. Jeeze, a week?! All the best to your build! :}

Just saw your pics, I love the tumbler and boximus prime! excellent work
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