Drinkin' in the 'verse

Angelus Lupus

Sr Member
Firgured it's high time I actually posted a prop...
I've been making my own bottle labels from the Trek universe for a while (see the link in my sig), but since joining here (and finding a link to propcircle) I've also collected a few Firefly/Serenity free paper props. So there I was with a new bottle of whisky, my colour printer and some self-adhesive paper....

Front and back labels by Whitefall, Import and cap label by Nexus6/Namebrand. Thanks to you both for your work.
The cashy money is F-N-S's images, printed on (of all things) tracing paper. I'm surprised how good they look.
Every other prop bottle I've done is on display, somehow I don't mind actually drinking from this one.
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Nice job! It's always a pleasure to see folks' 'verse stuff. With the tracing paper, how do the bills look on the reverse/non-printed side? Or did you print both sides? Thanks for sharing!

I really dig your shelf of bottles, too. Very cool!!
You can see pretty much most of the image through the paper, leastways all the dark parts show up well. People don't seem to photograph the reverse of their 'verse cash, so I can't really compare it to any others. I was going to print some double-sided on ordinary paper because I'm fairly certain I've seen an image of the 47 bill (from one of the visual guides/companions) that looks to be printed both sides and not translucent.

Thanks for the compliment, if you (or anyone) wants more info on any of my bottles or labels I'll be happy to post them.
You can see pretty much most of the image through the paper, leastways all the dark parts show up well. People don't seem to photograph the reverse of their 'verse cash, so I can't really compare it to any others. I was going to print some double-sided on ordinary paper because I'm fairly certain I've seen an image of the 47 bill (from one of the visual guides/companions) that looks to be printed both sides and not translucent.

Thanks for the compliment, if you (or anyone) wants more info on any of my bottles or labels I'll be happy to post them.

Yeah, according to the first companion vol., the hero bills were printed on the translucent paper. The others, I assume were on regular paper. And there is an image of the 47 bill in the companion book that definitely looks like it was printed on regular paper.

Hey, if you're really into Firefly, check out fireflyprops.net (if you haven't already). All firefly, all the time!
Nice bottles, and that cash is awesome! I have the replicas from Serenity, but they are higher bills. I'd love info on how you made that :)
Ok, I just checked my files and I have to apologise, the TV series bills are from F-N-S (I've corrected my first post). I got them from this thread
The hard work is all his, I only printed them out and weathered them by folding, creasing (shoving 'em in my back pocket and forgetting about them) and ironing.
I love the designs and different sizes of the Firefly bills, but I like how the Serenity denominations make more sense. Seriously, who uses a 47 dollar/credit/whatever note? :lol