B&W Hero P1 on Kirk's P2 in the first 'combat' scene is on Spock's P2 in the second 'combat' scene

TOS Phaser

Active Member
I missed the B&W Hero P1 swap between the Hero P2 that Kirk wore in the first combat scene and then Spock wore in the second combat scene, of "The Man Trap", until I was arguing with "feek61", in the Finney P2 and Com Juliens Auction thread. The damaged B&W Hero P1 that was on Kirk's P2 in the first 'combat' scene is on Spock's P2 in the second 'combat' scene and was far more damaged than I originally thought!

First combat scene - "The Man Trap":
Kirk and Spock first combat scene - Episode 6 The Man Trap.png

Copyright CBS Studios. All Rights Reserved. This clip is used for educational purposes under the "Fair Use" Clause of US Copyright Law.

Second combat scene - "The Man Trap":
FIPE slide 1.png

Copyright CBS Studios. All Rights Reserved. This clip is used for educational purposes under the "Fair Use" Clause of US Copyright Law.

Zoom of Kirk's P2 in the first combat scene:
Zoom Kirks P2 (RLP2wJP1) - 1st Combat scene Eps6.png

Zoom of Kirk's P2 in the second combat scene:
FIPE - slide z2.png

This Hero P1 was on the Hero P2 that Spock held and wore in the first combat scene.

This Hero P1 was on Scotty's belt in episode 7 and on Spock's belt in episode 5:

FIPE - slide ZzZ6.png

Comparison of the B&W Hero P1 that Kirk wore on his belt in both scenes:
FIPE - clip z4.png

These are not the same Hero P1s with Velcro on the left side for carry.

The second combat scene image shows just how badly damaged the Kirk's Hero P1 was in the first combat scene:
FIPE slide z3.png

Second combat scene - the B&W Hero P1 now on Spock's belt (L) was on Kirk's belt (R) in the first combat scene.

I had missed the big chunk that is missing on the B&W Hero P1's top shell on Spock's P2!

Jein P1 with missing chunk on the B&W Finney P2 on Spocks Belt.png

Look at that missing chunk!

I would like to thank "Racer_X" for posting the Blu-ray of the 'second combat' scene on the Finney Auction Thread - Thank You!

The following zoom comparisons of the B&W Hero P1 on Spock's P2 in the second combat scene and then on Kirk's P2 in the first 'combat' scence reflects the damage:

FIPE slide z3.png

If you look closely at the P1 when it is on Kirk's belt (right) you can see the missing chunk on the top P1 shell:

Zoom Kirks P2 (RLP2wJP1) - 1st Combat scene Eps6.png

zoom on Kirks cracked P1.png

zoom on Kirks cracked P1 - annotated.png

The yellow arrow points to the start of the missing chunck.

cracked B&W Hero P1 - annotated.png

Also It appears that the B&W Hero P1 shown fits snug against the rear deck in the saddle.

TOS Phaser
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Likely an ad hoc string used to better hold the substantially heavy hero onto the suede belt. We also saw such “string setups” at different times, throughout the series.

After the early episodes, Crapazoids became the primary belt hangers vs the heroes. I’m sure they had a few bloopers in which the heroes fell off of the belts (I personally wouldn’t attempt to Velcro a hero to a belt and walk around with it on hard-surfaced floors…)
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Should I presume that damaged phasers were still filmed, due to the damage not visible on standard definition TV of that time?
Should I presume that damaged phasers were still filmed, due to the damage not visible on standard definition TV of that time?
Feek61's "Inventory List" clearly indicates the Desilu Effects Department made 4 "practical" (Hero) P2s including 4 "practical" (Hero) P1s and a number of "plastic" phaser guns - P2s and P1s - the so called "crapazoids".* The main characters - Spock and Kirk did not hold or wear (on the their tan pistol belts) "plastic" phaser guns in any early episode that I have watched. The "practical" (Hero) P2s were worn hanging on the "suede" belts in the early episodes: 5, 6, 7 and 8. Because the DED did not make the "authentic looking dummy phasers or the later "midgrades" in the beginning - only the "practical" or Hero phasers.
* I retyped his list and put it here:

STAR TREK: The Original Series - Hand Phaser Props - P2s and P1s

The "Charlie" phaser filmed in the hand of the security guard in episode 8, "Charlie X" is a good example of filming a broken B&W "practical" (Hero) phaser.

Here is the "insert" shot of the "Charlie" P2 aka the "Greg Jein" P2 (before Wah Ming Chang "reworked" the Hero P2s and P1s):

Greg Jein (as B&W) in Charlie X.png

Here the clip from the scene in "Charlie X":

Red Shirt points GJ at Charlie.png

Copyright CBS Studios. All Rights Reserved. This clip is used under the "Fair Use" Clause of US Copyright Law for educational purposes.

And here is a zoom of the P2 in the red shirt's hand:

GJ in Charlie X scence.png

The sight lens and forehead clip are there however the missing piece of the forehead on the left side is not.
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View attachment 1892606

Likely an ad hoc string used to better hold the substantially heavy hero on to the suede belt. We also saw such “string setups” at different times, throughout the series.

After the early episodes, Crapazoids became the primary belt hangers vs the heroes. I’m sure they had a few bloopers in which the heroes fell off of the belts (I personally wouldn’t attempt to Velcro a hero to a belt and walk around with it on hard-surfaced floors…)
"Likely an ad hoc string..." - yes I saw a photo of this very thing for the later midgrades.

I am curious - do you see a string on the same P1 that was on the P2 hanging on Spock's belt in the later scene?
And I think you meant: "After the early episodes, Midgrades became the primary belt hangers vs the heroes."

Jein P1 with missing chunk on the B&W Finney P2 on Spocks Belt.png

No string here - just a broken P1.
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These are fair possibilities to consider, but the resolution is still too poor to make conclusive statements. We see a couple of lines that could have many possible causes.
Thank you.

Does anyone have the Blue Ray image of the first combat scene?

I can see the problem here - I made the mistake of combining two different presentations. I will fix this problem and move the report to a separate thread...
These are fair possibilities to consider, but the resolution is still too poor to make conclusive statements. We see a couple of lines that could have many possible causes.

I agree there is in fact no way to make conclusive statements about a 3-D object filmed in 2-D from a single image. I believe that is why in the early days on the TPZ - members would include 6, 7, 8 or more versions of the same image side by side (or top to bottom) in their posts. Some used Photo Shop to enhance one or more of the 'versions' so that you could see the differences.

The following is an inverted color version of the zoom shot of Kirk's Hero P2 with IMO a damaged Hero P1:
zoom on Kirks cracked P1-inverted.png

And here is a side-by-side comparison of the true color image and the inverted color image:
B&W Jein P1 - crack photo comparison-crop.png

I am not a US Navy - MOS 6477 - LDO Photography Officer. However it would seem to me that if the apparent crack was a "thread" it would stand out in the inverted color image (R) just as the suede of the pistol belt does because it is a different material than the fiberglass shell of the P1 and reflects light differently. (There is whole forensic science of materials that allow scientists to determine what materials are in a photograph or movie.)

Also of note - the rear of the B&W Hero P1 shown is thicker than it should be..,.

And finally here is an inverted image of the same B&W Hero P1 that was filmed on Spock's Hero P2 in the second combat scene that IMO shows a chunk is missing from the top shell of the P1:

Jein P1 with missing chunk on the B&W Finney P2 on Spocks Belt-inverted.png

And here is a side-by-side comparison of the true color image and the inverted color image:
Crack comparison images.png

It appears to me this comparison image - reflects the B&W Hero P1 top shell was missing a piece behind the power push buttons.
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