The Found TMOST/Finney Phaser Going Up For Auction causes a change in my phasers.

If being a TOS phaser fan has taught me anything, it's that gray is especially hard to really pin down. It picks up nearby tones really well and reacts to light in an exaggerated way.

I made my peace with only being "close enough to make ME happy" on my builds a long time ago. It's great to see more pics and especially more original props come to light because it adds more data points to experiment with, but I think getting the "right" color is always going to be something of a moving target.
Talking to many experts has taught me one thing I learned from Bruce Lee- if anyone says "this the way" they are in all likelihood incorrect (at least to some small degree). We are artists, and we interpret. If it works for us, it works until something else alters our perception, and then we can always adapt accordingly. So yeah- a moving target. We must have fun with it. :cool:
Does anyone have a link to the auction or photos of the Finney phaser?
Here's some great pictures:


I just threw a coat of Pledge Floor Care acrylic on my newly painted handles to *slightly* darken them. So far it looks good.