Doctor Who: Journey to the Center of the TARDIS bottle SPOILERS!

Thats fantastic work you have done there. I have spent the day sanding and painting my new tardis and next week will be making the roof light. Last week i ordered a set of windows. After watching tonights episode i think i may need to break one lol. In 4 weeks time tomorrow Colin Baker will be standing in my tardis so i really want to get the props made soon, it will look brilliant with a few of these bottles in the box with the telephone
I'm liking the diamond in the corner as well. Late to this thread but your work looks fantastic Ipotr4!

The paper is tricky, it looks aged and reflective to me. Waxed? I don't think metallic is right even though the one pic seems that way, the rest just looks aged to me.
I'm liking the diamond in the corner as well. Late to this thread but your work looks fantastic Ipotr4!

The paper is tricky, it looks aged and reflective to me. Waxed? I don't think metallic is right even though the one pic seems that way, the rest just looks aged to me.

Was wondering when you were gonna join in! :p
I'm liking the diamond in the corner as well. Late to this thread but your work looks fantastic Ipotr4!

The paper is tricky, it looks aged and reflective to me. Waxed? I don't think metallic is right even though the one pic seems that way, the rest just looks aged to me.

Thank you, appreciate the compliment! It could be wax, as in printed via a fiery wax color printer as opposed to ink or laserjets. I tried the Xerox printer we have at work which uses wax color cartridges and it exhibits almost the same light deflection seen on screen.
Was wondering when you were gonna join in! :p

Only found this thread a day or so ago. Wasn't sure I wanted this prop originally but then I kept looking at it going "of course you do!"

Thank you, appreciate the compliment! It could be wax, as in printed via a fiery wax color printer as opposed to ink or laserjets. I tried the Xerox printer we have at work which uses wax color cartridges and it exhibits almost the same light deflection seen on screen.

Nice, seems like a nice printer to have. Is there a final design of this then?
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looking at this picture the label doesn't go alll the way around the bottle more like half maybe a bit less and the diamond pattern continues on the sides rather that stopping at the end but thanks for the pdf of the labels fantastic work.

Going by this picture it looks like the label sides are really close to the A. Closer than a 2 x 4 label would appear. I think the 2 is right but the label appears shorter in width to me.
Printed a few labels to get some angles, really wish I have the bottles for a good mockup but anyway, if these look good enough then I'll post up updated pdfs later tonight…




Only found this thread a day or so ago. Wasn't sure I wanted this prop originally but then I kept looking at it going "of course you do!"

but of course!

Printed a few labels to get some angles, really wish I have the bottles for a good mockup but anyway, if these look good enough then I'll post up updated pdfs later tonight…

Those look FANTASTIC! Great job!
Those look REALLY good...are you using any particular kind of label paper, or just regular paper and gluing them on?

These are regular bond paper printed on a color fiery wax printer, cut and then spray mounted. I'll probably use the pre-cut 4x2 Avery labels later on to save myself from cutting and spraying the adhesive mount.
I tried looking for labels at some stores for this purpose and couldn't find any 2x4 labels without rounded you know what number Avery labels have square edges??
I tried looking for labels at some stores for this purpose and couldn't find any 2x4 labels without rounded you know what number Avery labels have square edges??

You are correct, I haven't found any Avery labels sans rounded corners. May end up just just cutting them individually and applying spray mount to affix or find whole sheets of (8.5x11) label paper that I can just cut myself.
Only found this thread a day or so ago. Wasn't sure I wanted this prop originally but then I kept looking at it going "of course you do!"

I feel the same way but after keeping an eye on this thread and seeing how amazing it is. I just have to have one now. I will be going to IKEA today.
I've finished my clear bottle but wanted to try something different with the blue-colored one. Before I printed out the label for my clear bottle, I wanted to slightly darken it to bring out the Gallifreyan characters a little more, and accidentally clicked "Autofix" in my photo-editing program, and while the result was totally unusable for the clear bottle, I decided to use it as a non-canon "special edition" label for the blue one, just for something different (who's to say the TARDIS library doesn't have a few different editions?) You can see the results here, next to the played-straight Vol. X:


...aaand for some reason the blue bottle turned out looking more greenish in the photo. I'm not sure if I'm gonna use the same purple mouthwash for it or try something that might contrast a little more...any thoughts?
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Oh, and while I printed my labels out on a normal ink-jet printer, I found that if you take some wax paper and rub the label with it after you've glued it on, it gives it that semi-glossy look...
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