Doctor Who: Journey to the Center of the TARDIS bottle SPOILERS!

^^ Like so?

I'm not sure if it's a square in the corners but I do see where they extend to the sides now.

Hard to tell what it is, I played with rotating one of the diamonds in a 45-degree angle and it doesn't look right. Also debating whether that's a rounded square corner or a circle. The image is too distorted and blurry to be certain so I came up with the squares—when you squint, it could be it.
Hard to tell what it is, I played with rotating one of the diamonds in a 45-degree angle and it doesn't look right. Also debating whether that's a rounded square corner or a circle. The image is too distorted and blurry to be certain so I came up with the squares—when you squint, it could be it.

Yeah it may be a circle.
I might be in the minority here, but to me it looks like the slanted diamonds in the corners is correct...they're just a touch bigger than the ones along the edges...of course, it could also just be the angle...
But even with the high res I don't see any diamond point going to the corner of the inside box.. but that's just me.

Same here, at first I thought they could be angled diamonds but I couldn't get any definition to support that guess, even when adjusting the image to enhance detail. I'm scouring the net for any clues or images that can help make the design more accurate but so far none.
Just a thought: In making the prop, the DW designer most likely used Illustrator to create the labels. Along that line of thinking, instead of me manually creating the diamond border and rotating each diamond 'row' to fit each side, I'll try using Illustrator's line pattern tool using a singular diamond as a tile pattern to create a seamless border. We'll see what anomaly the app will come up with to make the diamond border a seamless square. I'll report back later…
Same here, at first I thought they could be angled diamonds but I couldn't get any definition to support that guess, even when adjusting the image to enhance detail. I'm scouring the net for any clues or images that can help make the design more accurate but so far none.

I took another screenshot & increased the exposure..


It miiiiiiiight be a diamond, maybe.. EDIT: on second glance I still think its the rounded cube, just the angle throwing it off.
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I would cast my vote for a diamond.

The only thing that makes me not think it's a diamond like the others is the very outermost part on the corner of the label. Those 2 sides are not bowed in like the shape of the other diamonds look. It could be more of a teardrop shape or the outermost sides being squarish and the inside sides diamond shaped.
With the extreme closeup is could be either because of the distortion. I'm tending towards oval because it seems more rounded than distorted in that aspect.

Went by my Ikea today, bought out the last 2 3 bottle packages. Wish I could've gotten over there earlier but its an hour from the house.
Looking at that, I am almost certain it is the same size/dimension diamond as the rest of the border just rotated onto its tip.

Even though the picture isn't conclusive, just use logic and practicality to get into the mind of the propmaster and think of what makes the most sense.
If it's not too much trouble, why not just make separate PDF sets available of the 12 labels with the rounded cube, the oval, and the tilted diamond, and we can just pick which one we fancy the most?
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