Hello All! A long overdue update here!! Dan and I have continued to make great progress on the last three tiles masters we've been working on. I've just wrapped up the master for the Module 3 "KitKat" tile, so we'll get started on that here. Dan will be jumping in on the amazing other 2 tiles, Module 4 "Fins" and Module 6 "Round Tower".
So here we go!
Here's a quick shot of the final "Kit Kat" then I'll give some construction background after that.
So it started with an amazing MDF board base, skillfully designed and cut by Dan and our friend Dirk! Next up, after Dan 3D modeled a single tile sub structure 'head' and 'body' after we carefully measured kit parts, then slightly reducing the overall size to accommodate .040 styrene skins. My friend Jim generously printed the inserts in between the tiles on his resin printer, making that part of the project so much easier for finish work.
The final heads and bodies were printed 4x on a CR10s , in PLA. Then a few original kit parts were mocked up to ensure all the measurements, and the structures fit to the base.
After that, it was time to draw up in CAD all the panel lines for the .040 styrene size shapes. This took an extensive amount of time cross checking the exact positioning of each and every line to reference photos of the original 2x2 Kit Kat tile. Then print the design on paper, and tape them to the tile to ensure everything lined up. After that, off to the laser cutter and for laser scribes cutting all the .040 styrene.
Once all these 'skins' were applied, the brutal effort of filler for all the seams, edges and all that had to happen, sand, filler, sand.... on and on, uggh.
Then the process of adding kit parts begins. There is one area that uses the Ywing back of the head casting, twice. So I built up a master of that using all original kit parts, then molding and casting it (it gets trimmed and I didn't want to destroy that master, so I trimmed the castings).
Next Post will be more progress.