Darth Ugly - ROTJ !

Thanks, I'm glad you noticed.

With possible exception of the stunt helmet scenes, I noticed years back that more of the eyebrows were shown than in ESB, and this was consistent throughout the ROTJ movie. I did a study involving screen shots of different angles, perspectives, etc. throughout ROTJ and it seemed consistent and thus asked bookface to factor that in. And the difference is about 2-3 mm. so it's barely noticeable to most people, so I think it's neat you made the observation. Spot on!

In making the helmet, I was worried the helmet was a touch too small, but didn't want to do what vendors used to typically do, which was add 1-2 inches to the flange and create a very inaccurate look. Just subtle dome repositioning and now the dome looks larger and roomy. :)

I saw it like that too :) Vader in ROTJ has a more "curious" look, while in Empire he has a more "serious" look. I guess that is what GL was intend to achive in ROTJ anyway, its a small hint at the change in Vader in that episode design-wise. Many do not notice the small differences between ESB and ROTJ bur for me those two, esp when side by side, look way different. Good work on detail there on both your ends, kudos to that :thumbsup

bookface: woah, really? you are really fast (and awesome) :) I thought this would be your personal one :D now I just need that company bonus for the ANH version and the ugly collection is complete :3 (will shoot you a PM when I got he bonus ;) )
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I know the silver paint is different on the ESB and ROTJ from the ANH, and different from each other.

If it's okay to ask, what color silver are you using on the ESB and ROTJ? It looks perfect.
I know the silver paint is different on the ESB and ROTJ from the ANH, and different from each other.

If it's okay to ask, what color silver are you using on the ESB and ROTJ? It looks perfect.

I'm not convinced the paint was different between ESB and ROTJ. I understand that to be the belief popularized by some costumers over the years due to screen shots, but one should also consider that with metallic paint, it's about metallic particle density and how much ambient light it's reflecting. For example, when Vader steps off the shuttle into the Death Star II, the mask looks dark and the armor looks

And regarding metallic particle density, in industrial painting, I've seen metallic paints get brighter with subsequent coatings, even though it's still fundamentally the same paint. The painter explained that the more metallic particles there are in the painted area, the more reflects light, hence the brighter appearance (pro painters, please feel free to weigh in).

ANH was handbrushed, so there is definitely a textural difference.

In this shot below of the ROTJ, some may assume the metallic gray is dark. But note that the set is quite dark. The primary light sources are lateral and off to the distance, so there's not much light for the metallic gray to pick up:


Some might have assumed from this shot that the mask is a darker paint than the armor:

http://www.themonstercompany.co.uk/shopimages/products/normal/MMS0123 Darth Vader ROTJ W.jpg

... but note the armor can pick up the light above whereas the face is forward-facing and the lateral light is not as bright.

When you then look at screen shots like this one below, you can see that it now looks like the metallic gray in the face is the same color as the armor:


So the latter is what I'm going by.

The metallic gray bookface uses is:

Gunmetal - http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/..._productId_158568_langId_-1_categoryId_165505
The page lists the manufacturers code as MMN, 684

Black is simply gloss black, though the exact product is http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/..._productId_158568_langId_-1_categoryId_165505

Those are UK paints. I don't know the equivalent here in the States but I'll be getting a paint sample from bookface. I'm weird in that I actually collect cans of potential Vaderesque metallic grays, so hopefully I can determine a close match for everyone.
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I saw it like that too :) Vader in ROTJ has a more "curious" look, while in Empire he has a more "serious" look. I guess that is what GL was intend to achive in ROTJ anyway, its a small hint at the change in Vader in that episode design-wise. Many do not notice the small differences between ESB and ROTJ bur for me those two, esp when side by side, look way different. Good work on detail there on both your ends, kudos to that :thumbsup

@bookface: woah, really? you are really fast (and awesome) :) I thought this would be your personal one :D now I just need that company bonus for the ANH version and the ugly collection is complete :3 (will shoot you a PM when I got he bonus ;) )

I can't say that the slight dome orientation difference between ESB and ROTJ was intentional by Lucas. There were debates over the years whether or not the ROTJ were recycled ESB helmets, and there are compelling arguments to both sides, but that aside, it's a consistent observable phenomenon (possibly one helmet among the various production ROTJ helmets got the most screen time), and I do recall that as a kid, ANH had the angriest look of all, and ROTJ's fight between Vader and Luke in front of the Emperor was particularly dark and Vader somehow looked sad.
@bookface: woah, really? you are really fast (and awesome) :) I thought this would be your personal one :D now I just need that company bonus for the ANH version and the ugly collection is complete :3 (will shoot you a PM when I got he bonus ;) )

Sadly I only have room for one Vader helmet (ironic, I know), and my heart belongs to ANH!
I knew ANH was gunmetal, I figured ESB/ROTJ was a metallic silver instead of gunmetal.

Similar color but different hue. But I've seen sprayed gunmetal paint (like my helmet) that look much more 'silver' than brushed but not as dark as ROTJ.
It's actually incredible how much difference the lighting makes to the gunmetal. Here's a combination pic that Mac put together of the whole 'family', and you can see that ESB and ROTJ actually look pretty different in hue. The photos were shot under studio conditions with the same camera, about 5 minutes apart, the only difference being I moved the lights around a little. Not even different lights, just moved them a little higher.

I agree with you that the ROTJ shows its eyebrows more and in so doing seems to lose its meanace somewhat. But that is the screen look for ROTJ based on screenshots observed throughout the movie, And that is why ANH will always be my favorite, it's like your first kiss...

I totally agree with this LOL!!:D

All of three helmets are on my want to buy list!!!! Such a great work! Such a good cause! Rock on!! :cool


Regards. Alberto
Very nice work.

One question though...I was under the impression that the helmet "skirts" were flattened from ANH to ESB/ROTJ?
You almost have to stop calling this thing ugly... I get it, and its very humble...

But this thing is in line with my eFx Vader legend in terms of look and feel. You have done some amazing things with that craptastic casting!!!


My real question is, when are we gonna see an "ugly" Rotj reveal version???

Would go nicely with my eFx legend ANH, and my DS ESB 20thC!

Great helmet! Now to get my post count up so I can get one!!!LOL:D

Youve been around for 5 years so you'd know by now the RPF culture's values against illicit recasting. Just drop bookface a PM.

- - - Updated - - -

You almost have to stop calling this thing ugly... I get it, and its very humble...

But this thing is in line with my eFx Vader legend in terms of look and feel. You have done some amazing things with that craptastic casting!!!


My real question is, when are we gonna see an "ugly" Rotj reveal version???

Would go nicely with my eFx legend ANH, and my DS ESB 20thC!


Thanks for the kind words, but we have no plans for an Ugly Reveal at this point.
Here is a comparison of bookface's work against the masters of yesteryear. Note the ROTJ I'm using is only the dome (temporary ESB mask, ESB tusks). Bookface has the ROTJ mask out with ROTJ tusks.



In both cases, I feel that Darth Ugly holds its own reasonably well when placed side by side with a JB or SPFX, given that Ugly is only a starter helmet.
It's been fun to watch all of the threads related to this - I truly enjoy the comparatives - Sad part... now I want all three because I like each for different reasons. :(
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