Darth Ugly - ROTJ !

Excelllllent. For I am getting older, and my neck and shoulders complain at my current helmet.

The first time I wore a Don Post Deluxe, it gave me a total headache. I didn't realize that spinal compression - especially the neck - could cause problems throughout the body. Spinal decompression treatment and doing traction at home has done wonders for me.
The helmets have been weighing in at around 1.3kg, which is just under 3lbs. You will still need to add any padding or other accessories to that though, that weight is for a bare (but fully finished) fibreglass helmet.
The helmets have been weighing in at around 1.3kg, which is just under 3lbs. You will still need to add any padding or other accessories to that though, that weight is for a bare (but fully finished) fibreglass helmet.

Very nice. I am impressed. I look forward to it.
Hey, thank you, guys! This has been a really neat project, and a great feeling to see an OT family of them (howbeit photoshopped together). I'm hoping at one point that bookface can post all 3 on his kitchen table at some point, but when he sends me photos, he tends to not paint the inner nose (perhaps just to mess with me, or to keep me on my toes to see if I still have an eye for detail).

The gal with disabilities being helped by this project continues to show her appreciation for all fans. So on her behalf, I think you guys.

Made a fun little pic:


Okay, so let's see what else we can do this new year...!
Great looking helmet. I love the dome placement on this one esp.

Thanks, I'm glad you noticed.

With possible exception of the stunt helmet scenes, I noticed years back that more of the eyebrows were shown than in ESB, and this was consistent throughout the ROTJ movie. I did a study involving screen shots of different angles, perspectives, etc. throughout ROTJ and it seemed consistent and thus asked bookface to factor that in. And the difference is about 2-3 mm. so it's barely noticeable to most people, so I think it's neat you made the observation. Spot on!

In making the helmet, I was worried the helmet was a touch too small, but didn't want to do what vendors used to typically do, which was add 1-2 inches to the flange and create a very inaccurate look. Just subtle dome repositioning and now the dome looks larger and roomy. :)
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