So I realised that its been nearly 9 months since I last used my silicone, and have got quite a bit left on the tubs. Was a tad worried that it might be past it sell by date, so rather than potential waste alot of time, I've done a small sample piece. Looking good so far, which is a relief, that **** be expensive!
This will also give me a chance to experiment with the reg keys. Having had bubbles under where the reg keys were placed in my last mould i'm anxious not to repeat this. Last time I placed fully cured reg keys onto a wet layer of silicone, I think it was my second coat, the first being a thinned down coat to catch the details.
My thinking this time round is to wait until i've applied all the coats, then stick the reg kegs on, perhaps even when they are still a bit tacky?
Anybody got any thoughts?
Also, one piece mould, or should I split it??
Decisions decisions