Custom Deadpool Costume WIP. Pic Heavy.


Active Member
I've been contemplating putting together a Deadpool costume for quite some time. With the recent news that the Deadpool movie is actually happening, I decided it was time to start the project. I like the liberties that the Marvel movies have taken with some of the hero costumes so far to bring them in to the live action world, and my vision of that for Deadpool has him wearing some body armor. I want him to look tactical, but for the armor and gear to still be light weight. Even though he has an incredible healing factor, I can't help but think he would still want to protect certain areas of his body to an extent so that he doesn't become incapacitated for too long while fighting. The first step was finding the right mask. I was fortunate enough to get my hands on a Todd Cook Designs mask when they went on sale on black Friday.
Next step was to start figuring out how I want this armor to look, and what I could buy that would look the way I want. After searching for what seemed like forever, I stumbled across a compression suit for extreme mountain biking that looked like what I had in mind. Here is a picture.
Also a link as of 1-4-15 where it is for sale on Amazon.

Next were the swords. You would think this would be the easy part, but I did not want metal swords so that there would be no issue with entering conventions. After some digging, I found a pair of training swords that are the perfect length. The blade is 24" long. Handle is 8 3/4" and overall length is 33 1/2". Here is a photo for scale reference. I am 6' tall. IMG_2662.jpg
Here is a link where the swords can be purchased.
The swords are plastic, and they were solid black. I decided to add a little red by painting the diamonds in the handle. Only paint I had on hand was red acrylic paint. I know acrylics can chip and peel easily, but again, all I had on hand.
It's not as pretty as I would like, but I can always clean it up later.
Next up was putting the Deadpool emblem on the shoulder pads. I started by placing layers of thick painters tape on a cutting board and drawing the logo onto the tape.
I then used an x-acto knife to cut the stencil out of the tape. I then placed the stencil on the shoulder pads.
Using the same red acrylic paint, I painted the emblem. I used about three coats.
I wanted the emblem to look somewhat imperfect, and hand painted (which it is) so I didn't mind if the acrylic chipped or peeled (which it did). Once I finished both sides and removed the stencil, I then sprayed a coat of clear glaze to help seal the paint.
There are probably better types of paint and clear coat that I could/should have used, but this is what I had on hand.
That is all that I have completed so far. The next steps/purchases I will be making are a red compression top, gloves, a tactical belt, and toy grenades. I will try and keep the progress updated as quickly and as often as possible.
very nice. I finished mine just before Halloween. I want to make the "hot pants" armor suit but have no clue where to start