Clash of the Titans Remake... What do you think?


Well-Known Member
So, I am just curious as to what opinions are about the remake. FX wise I am sure it will be great, but I kind like the original in its state of the art tech as it was when it was released.

I dunno, just want to see what the overall feel is.
Being a Ray Harryhausen fan, I loved all of these stopmo adventure movies, but Clash was my least favorite so a remake of any quality won't bother me.

I am expecting it's going to be an in your face CG fest, which fits the genre.
I was looking forward to the remake, the trailer looked great… until they got to the Kraken and it was a total buzz-kill. My wife leaned over and whispered “isn’t that the cloverfield monster?!” After that I have no hope for the remake… :unsure
Was totally against it. After seeing the latest trailer, I'm gonna see it.
I have mixed feelings about it. They seem to give those huge scorpions a lot of screen action. But... I'll sure see it when it comes out.
I'm definitely looking forward to it.. I use to watch this at least once every two weeks when I was young.. Loved it.. The cast looks great.. I'm a huge Sam Worthington and Ralph Fiennes fan, so am looking forward to the remake.. I just have fingers crossed that they have Bubo..
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Well i loved the original, couldn't get in to see ET when i was a kid as it was sold out and had to see this instead, loved it.
I see they've added 3d to it as an afterthought to cash in on the latest craze, looks good from the trailer, i'll give it a go
I have mixed feelings about it. They seem to give those huge scorpions a lot of screen action. But... I'll sure see it when it comes out.

Yeah, and based off the trailers, the guys in GI Joe spent 3/4 of the movie in those stupid-ass 'accelerator suits', but in the movie, it was only about a 10 minute sequence. The scorpions are pretty spectacular and it's no surprise that they want to show some of the beastiary of the movie in the trailers.

Oh, and I've heard that Bubo at least has a cameo. :)
I like the classic of course and the remake looks Ok , but will flounder at the BO i have a feeling. It looks just like all the other movies of similar genre. It'll be like Gi Joe was where the die-hard will see it and the toys will be peg warmers into Christmas. Not that optimistic about it.
Based on the trailers, I expect this movie to be big and stupid, just like the bulk of other action flicks that seem to come out these days. I might get round to it when it hits Netflix, but probably not before.
I think it looks fantastic.
Great cast and the effects look fantastic (I tolerated stop motion animation as a kid because it was the best we had, but always hated the chunky unrealistic look so I am happy to see it remade.)
One of my favorite movies as a kid and one of the films this year I am looking forward too the most.:thumbsup
Dude, you love/look forward to EVERY movie. :lol

I mean, I'm not saying the film will definitely suck. It could pleasantly surprise me. But the way they advertised it....yeesh. Either the film's gonna be incredibly dumb or they need to hire a better marketing film. Again, based on the trailers alone.
Trailer impressions: Doesn't look much like ancient Greece. Zeus looks he stepped out of 'Excalibur'. The hairstyles and costumes stink. We know what armour the Greeks wore; we know how they wore their hair. Mess with that too much and you wind up with cheese. Especially if you try and make it all look more, er, 'fantastic', as in those godawful breastplates. The guy with the crew-cut looks like a marine; but that's no good to me- I want to see ancient Greeks with curly hair. The gorgon looks good, though, especially the shot of her moving fast along the floor. But the kraken looks far too SF.

Who knows what the script will be like. I might one day, but only from a DVD rental, if I can be bothered.
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I'll see it just because I like the original, but I don't have high expectations for it. I really don't have high expectations for any movie anymore because it's more of a business and less of telling a good story.
One request:

For those who "aren't that enthusiastic" or who are seeing it for brand name alone, please, do the rest of the world a favor and wait for Netflix. You'll save yourself money, and help send a message to the studios that just slapping a brand name on a product won't guarantee sales. This MIGHT encourage them to, you know, stop with all the ****ing remakes and focus on telling NEW stories.