cheap bow/arrow set? where to find?


Master Member
i have been asked to help my friends kid with his halloween costume. he really wants to be green arrow, so i need to get a green arrow bow and big boxing glove arrow. his mom is handling the costume and the hat, so since im "that guy with the cool stuff", i got nominated to help make the bow/arrow part of the costume. we are going for a comic/JLU hybrid for the costume, and i think his mom can handle it.

i have a lead on the arrow, but the bow is throwing me for a loop. everyone "normal" bow i see is either too tiny (made for a kid/toddler) or WAYYYY to big (made for a large large english man to kill a horse 4 leagues away, or possibly paul bunyan). the boxing glove arrow is just going to be a kids boxing glove on the end of a regular arrow painted green. simple, easy, and not lethal.

since this is going to be spray painted black and green, im not exactly looking for a top of the line longbow here, or a top of the line anything. just mainly a big bow.

so... any help here? im trying to help out a friends kid (plus double up and make a pretty cool JLU display) for halloween so im keeping this on the "cheap, damned cheap" side. i dont want to repaint a 200$ bow. a 20$ one would be great ;). im sacrificing accuracy to the cartoon to just make something cool for the kid to wear. hes 15 so an adult bow would be fine.

any helps appreciated on this.
im picking up one of those kids boxing sets with the tiny gloves over the weekend at the local big lots.

that bow is kinda tiny though. im hoping to find something a little less expensive (since he aint shooting) and a little more "comic-y".

ive seen a couple on ebay, and theres a few "youth" and "trainer" bows in the 55-60" length that might be kinda cool.

google hath no love for me lately :(

Yeah, I second the Wal Mart recomendation.. They have a pretty cheap recurve bow that's in the 50"-60" inch range and since he isn't actually going to use it for shooting you could add resin/fiberglass/etc extensions on the end if it was a little too short, paint it green and call it a day... Or, I've seen some live action role players put pipe insulation on the arms of their bows to make it look bulkier. You can shape the foam insulation with a blade or a hot knife. Actually if he wasn't going to do any actual arrow shooting you could just make the bow out of foam pipe insulation and pvc pipe.