Captain America Shield - The Winter Soldier


Well-Known Member
The inspiration behind this paintwork is the promotional poster for Captain America: The Winter Soldier. It features simply a heavily abused shield and the image has been stuck in my head for the following 7 years since the theatrical release.

Eventually I decided I NEED to bring it into material form and get it out of my system.

Last year I attempted to acquire a raw shield from two of the leading metal shield makers in the US, but they refused to ship to Singapore. So I resorted to ordering one from a maker in Shenzhen, China and it was sufficiently acceptable as a canvas. It's made out of aluminium alloy and weighs 5kg!



A great deal of masking was employed in varying stages to achieve the base colors and chipped paint effect.




To achieve the chipped red paint, I used tape to mask off the broad areas and refined the shapes with latex mask.



This was followed by layers of weathering passes with water-based acrylics and oils. The end result is (I hope) a shield wielded by the leader of The Avengers and that has endured countless battles against nefarious foes.


Massive thank you guys! This was a lot of fun to work on and intensely soul soothing.
What did you use on the area that is supposed to be bare metal? I love the difference between that & the areas that are supposed to be red.

Seriously trying to talk myself out of doing the same thing.
What did you use on the area that is supposed to be bare metal? I love the difference between that & the areas that are supposed to be red.

Seriously trying to talk myself out of doing the same thing.
I used Tamiya TS-75 Champagne Gold and brush over with graphite powder to tone down the saturation.
That is Outstanding! I love the worn look! Definitely looks like it would have a history to it! The awesome thing about that is you dont have to use a lot of paint!