Captain America Endgame Costume - Shoulder Width


New Member
Hello All,

I'm looking for some tips/ideas on how I can augment the width of my shoulders for a Captain America Endgame costume.

I'm in shape and I have relatively broad shoulders, I just really want a 'super serum' appearance. I want to achieve this within reason, I still want to look natural. Apparently Chris Evans had has shoulders padded, so really, I'm just being screen accurate.

My wife suggested cutting apart fabric push up bras and sewing them into the suit. It was also suggested that I might use cushion foam. However, I lack the experience to sculpt it correctly and symmetrically. I'm hoping for a solution where I can purchase something and add it to the suit permanently.

Any help is appreciated,

I haven't tried it yet as I'm not sure I need it, but I'm thinking about cutting out the shoulder pads from an old suitcoat I found at the second hand store for my build. BrutusWayne just used headliner form and cut an sewed pieces together for his CA suit, it looks fairly natural on him, it didn't seem that hard. As it will rest on your shoulder you can test it easily and reshape it before setting it in permanently.
I haven't tried it yet as I'm not sure I need it, but I'm thinking about cutting out the shoulder pads from an old suitcoat I found at the second hand store for my build. BrutusWayne just used headliner form and cut an sewed pieces together for his CA suit, it looks fairly natural on him, it didn't seem that hard. As it will rest on your shoulder you can test it easily and reshape it before setting it in permanently.
Thanks for replying, and for the suggestions. I'm struggling to find something that will conform to the shape of a deltoid and provide width laterally, without looking unnatural.