Capt Jack Harkness Coat?

I have one of the cosplaysky coats as well. The colors aren't quite right because the BBC dyed the moleskin to create the RAF blue fabric needed for Jack. They give you the choice between blue and black... mine's the blue one. But it's a nice coat, durable, and warm. I wear it everywhere and it's survived several trips to the UK with me.

For mine, I specifically asked them NOT to sew the ribbon they use for the shoulder bars and instead put on a pair of actual RAF ones. I also replaced all the buttons with the correct ones, as well as the buckle.

John Barrowman's seen it, and Eve Myles literally grabbed the front of it and fangirled me when I met her after Barrowman's concert in Cardiff. So despite the color being a little off, it's really accurate in terms of look. (the company licensed to sell the replica 10 and Martha coats) have said that Jack's is next on their list to work on. However the people involved in Torchwood Series 4 have let slip that for the new series, Jack has a new wardrobe and his coat has been redesigned.

My coat: 2010/SAM_0036.jpg

I think I ended up with the same coat and did the same mods. It's a shame the color is so off. I do love the cut and feel.


I really like the cosplaysky look but the color does bother me. I wonder if a little rit/dye would work?
For anyone who might be looking to make the new Harkness coat, the costume designer (Shawna Trpcic) answered a few questions:

Q: How many variations of the RAF greatcoat did you create for Miracle Day? How long did it take to re-design the coat? Who is the Italian tailor who produced the coat?

A: Two variations, one with thick wool, one with thin cashmere - both the same cut. It took only moments to redraw the coat in the thinner silhouette. And a tailor named Il Stephano.

Q: Do you have a picture of JB wearing the coat for the first time? Why does the coat look more blue than grey compared to the former one which was more grey than blue? Is it correct that the coat is made from 70% of wool (non-allergic) and 30% of cashmere, with some rayon for the liner? Did you ask some advice from Ray Holman (the previous designer) to create a lighter coat?

A: Yes we have lots of fitting photos. I chose the fabric from swatches in a fabric book off of feel and weight. Not sure of % content; it’s more like 50/50 cashmere - it is an iridescent rayon lines. And no. I have never met Ray.
Abbyshot has released their coat. Anyone have any thoughts on accuracy??

Captain Jack Harkness Coat

Matt, I had posted this in another thread about Matt Smith's coat (and this is purely my take from looking at the pictures only)...

After looking at the pics closely, here's what I see (good and bad) on the Abbyshot Harkness coat...

1) Rank braid is incorrect, as well as incorrectly sewn to the epaulet (as mentioned previously). I'd replace with more accurate braid and sewn to be screen accurate. :thumbsdown
2) King's Crown RAF buttons are correct, but these appear to be rather poor copies. I'd replace with originals. :thumbsdown
3) What's with the buttons spreading out as they go up the coat? Geez...might as well be on the shoulders when they reach the top row. The button spacing from left to right does increase as they reach the top...but not that much. (n)thumbsdown
4) Fabric looks pretty good on the monitor, but would love to handle a sample to see what it really looks and feels like. :thumbsup
5) Buckle on the belt is probably way closer to correct than any of the eBay/cosplay options. :thumbsup

I think I'm still going to get a cosplay one and make the mods to that, rather than spend double the amount and still make the same mods. Of course, that opinion is subject to change if someone gets an Abbyshot and posts pics of a production piece rather than the manufacturer prototype from their website.
Long story short, I think the coat is good. I can see switching the buttons out, but it's much better than their 10th doctor overcoat or their new Matt Smith jacket.

It's amazing to think that Harkness first appeared in the Eccleston series of Doctor Who and only now do we get a good replica, but worth the wait at such a relatively low price.

I have a "close enough" jacket I keep meaning to put in the junk yard or the bay that should go some way to paying for the Abbeyshot...
Has anyone actually thought about getting a custom one made in cotton moleskin like the one that Barrowman wears? Or would that be too expensive?

I can't find anyone that actually sells atleast one that doesn't require 800 yards to be bought. Any good alternative fabric that gives the same "swish" as Jack's?

I was actually wanting a WWII US military coat but in the "Harkness" cut.....
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They're Caterpillar boots and the exact style is called "Luke".


John usually wears the darker brown versions, but did some of the early Torchwood promo shoots wearing the lighter brown ones.

I've got pairs in both colors and can verify that IS the correct style, because Eve Myles teased me about them (after fangirling me about my Greatcoat lol) while at Barrowman's concert in Cardiff this past October.

Seems to be difficult to get these.....*sigh* oh well, I can find a decent close enough.
Seems to be difficult to get these.....*sigh* oh well, I can find a decent close enough.

In larger sizes, yeah. Especially since that style isn't made anymore. The smaller sizes pop up every so often on Ebay, which is perfect for us girls. If the price isn't insane, I usually snap them up since I wear mine a lot at work and for Cons. :thumbsup

As for the Abby Shot coat, it's screen accurate with the exception of the rank braid and buttons. The belt buckle looks identical to my real RAF one. For mine, I've put on authentic rank braid (just stitched it on over the ribbon AS used, so spacing was easy) and swapped out the fake buttons for real ones. The button spacing on mine is fine when buttoned, so I think it just looks off in the photos on their website.

Plus it got the Barrowman seal of approval last weekend at C2E2. With the changes I've made, he said it was the best looking one he'd seen all weekend and "Niiiiccceeee coat! Looks just like mine." :)
For the record, I would hardly call the abbyshott Harkness jacket "Screen Accurate". It's off in a number of ways, many of them not very subtle. The buttons are in the wrong place, the epaulets are the wrong size, the rank braid is wrong, and of course the fabric is completely wrong. Just comparing it to screen caps, you can see subtle differences in the collar and lapels, as well as the overall cut. But that's the type of stuff I would expect from a replica that was made in the absence of a screen used piece to pattern off. They did a great job, but it's not perfect.

That said, I totally love it! lol. To the casual observer (which accounts for 99.9% of the people who are going to see this jacket during its lifetime) it looks exactly like what they remember on screen. Don't get me wrong, it's a nice jacket, which I believe is pretty well made, and a good deal at the asking price.

But it's nowhere near screen accurate.
Compared to an actual RAF officer's coat, yeah the epaulettes are the wrong size. However, Jack's coat is based on that one... it was never meant to be a true replica. As for the fabric, that's not an issue for me because moleskin in RAF blue in damn near impossible to find. And the fabric they use looks the same and flows the same too (It's fun running across the Plass while wearing it lol).

I had already mentioned the rank braid is wrong (they use ribbon). However the buttons on mine ARE in the correct place. So not sure about the one you've seen/own. I've seen the actual Harkness coat up close several times and also the one JB had them make for him, and compared mine to it. And with the exception of the braid, fake buttons, and fabric, it IS nearly identical to the real ones. So yeah... I stand by my comment that it's screen accurate with the exception of the things I "fixed". You're welcome to your opinion though.
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Hi all. There are many posts on this topic and I am wondering the best place to find/purchase a realistic Captain Jack coat?

Thank you :)
Hi all. There are many posts on this topic and I am wondering the best place to find/purchase a realistic Captain Jack coat?

Thank you :)

Just curious, did you even try reading the very thread you posted in? I'm sorry to report that you'll need to do a TINY bit of work, but pretty much everything you would need to know about the jacket and where to get one is right here. In this thread. start on page one. :D

In other news, my costume continues to come together. I acquired these pieces recently. The holster needs dying, but the rest I'm pretty happy with.

Full details and links to suppliers can be found on my blog.
The Project Workbench: Captain Jack Harkness Costume Pieces Arrive
Well I guess I will post a update as to where I'm at with my 2 Torchwood Capt Jack outfits

I got a Abbyshot greatcoat, I very happy over all with it. I have replaced all buttons with real KC buttons, and moved the placement of said buttons to more of a straight line down the jacket as looks more SA. Also replace the rank braid and epaulets to make them longer. Thanks to Bootlegger137 for the extra fabric for the longer epaulets.

For the pants just need to get the buttons sewed in for the bracers. Will also be looking for a set of pants that are more blue in color. Also have Spitfire cuff links. Might even go with a set of pants and vest combo and will use my CT pocket watch to finish that look

I have a couple of blue dress shirts that will do nicely just need to track some down with the epaulets in them.

The BD and RAF Cap is from WPG. Again I replaced the rank braid on this. I still have to sew on the RAF Pilot wings and pin on the DFC bar.

The holster and belt are from my Indy gear and will do the job nicely. I went with the red bracers first (I will pick up the ones Matt post later thanks for the link)

The boots are Caterpillar Men's 2nd Shift 6" Plain soft toe boot from Amazon they are close enough for me as I will never find the Cat Luke boots my size, I went with the honey color as I can dirty them up to match what I see on screen.

The Time Vortex Manipulator is the toy version. Waiting to see what happens with the leather strap run then will pick up Zenix metal face plate and buttons. I have the real Samsung A300e for the round button

To finish the BD Capt Jack going to get this Cravat white dots on burgundy from Swagger and Swoon best I could find unless someones else has a better version.

Fort & Stone Fine Silk Cravat - White Dots on Burgundy

so what you all think on track of just out in left field by myself:facepalm

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