Capt Jack Harkness Coat?

Dave Porter

Sr Member
I have looked through the forums, and haven't found an answer, so I thought I'd ask.

As the eBay auctions have dried up, can anyone recommend a decent supplier for a Capt. Jack coat?

I have looked at my local military surplus, and the great coats they have are too small and too heavy.

I'm looking for something I can wear all the time, and I can see myself too hot in a great coat.

Any help on suppliers would be appreciated.
I had the same problem, and ended up buying wool and getting it made.

Out of curiosity, where in Canada are you?
bear in mind an off the peg greatcoat won't do because john barrowman's was made special to that pattern from different lighter material.

I remember reading somewhere he is allergic to the wool in greatcoats so it got made out of something else.
Yeah, there are a lot of threads on here already although probably some new vendors have popped up since then. I'd love to see a side-by-side comparison because some of the cosplay stuff looks alarmingly cheap in price.

Basically, there were two coats. One used in The Empty Child, which was, or looked like, a real RAF coat. You can track one of these down online if you're dilligent or a lookalike, but yes, they're going to be heavy, and very often short. I have a swiss airforce coat, looks great around the collar, and the colour isn't bad, but as you say, it's way too short.

Then they switched to a more designed, 'idealised', coat for his subsequent apprearances and in Torchwood. It's big and swishy and light. For this, you're going to want a custom. Magnoli is always a good choice if you have the $.
I live in Toronto, and had mine made. I could hypothetically talk to the girl who made mine, although I know she hated doing it.

Interesting point, the Modified one that Barrowman wears in Torchwood is 99% Identical to Tennants coat in the cut, style, and back boxpleat. The only major differences are the epillets,the belt, and of course colour and buttons.
If you google "Jack Harkness costume" You'll see three places that sell replica coats.

Cosplaybuy and Hellocosplay are pretty close, but each have subtle differences. You'll have to choose based on your preference.
I have been wanting one too. Let us know what hellocosplay says.

I think I like the cosplaybuy one better, but want to know more before I decide to get one.
This is a project that I've also had on the go, for a while but on the back burner. I havean original WW2 RAF great coat that I could use as a template but tracking down the right fabric has been virtually impossible to say the least.

The material that was used on the Torchwood 'lightweight' version of the coat was cotton moleskin. This material is pretty easy to find but not in the right colour so it may have been dyed. I was lucky enough to work on the show during series 2 and 3 and it is an amazing coat up close!! They did a superb job on the coat.

I hope one day to finish this project but fear it may be a long road to completion....
This is a project that I've also had on the go, for a while but on the back burner. I havean original WW2 RAF great coat that I could use as a template but tracking down the right fabric has been virtually impossible to say the least.

The material that was used on the Torchwood 'lightweight' version of the coat was cotton moleskin. This material is pretty easy to find but not in the right colour so it may have been dyed. I was lucky enough to work on the show during series 2 and 3 and it is an amazing coat up close!! They did a superb job on the coat.

I hope one day to finish this project but fear it may be a long road to completion....
Yes, oddly while I was looking through the net just now I found a quote from the Designer;

"We always wanted to keep the World War Two hero look for Captain Jack, so all of his outfits have a 1940s flavor. We knew he'd be running around an awful lot, so I redesigned his RAF Group Captain;s greatcoat from Doctor Who to make it more fluid, because the real things are very weighty. John is allergic to wool, so we used cotton moleskin instead, which is much lighter and gives you that movement and flowing silhouette.

"The rest of Jack's costumes are loosely wartime based, so he has big, period trousers, which are getting more and more styled to suit his figure, and shirts from a shirt maker with spearpoint collars and double cuffs. He has some lovely silver cufflinks that are shaped like Spitfires! Unlike the rest of the team all of John's clothes are made from scratch.

"There are actually five Captain Jack coats in use on the show: one 'hero' version, which is used for most scenes, one 'wet' coat made with pre-shrunk fabric; a running coat that is slightly shorter so John's heels don't catch when he runs; and two stunt coats, which were hero coats back in series one."

Adds a little more information to help.
This fabric should take a regular RIT dye. Mixing colors to get an exact match would require some sort of reference in real life. Or just go by the screen colors from photos and maybe go one step up in brightness.

Looks like there may be some light blue mixed with black grey to achieve that color.
I wouldn't go up a level in brightness, the colors tend to be made brighter than they really are already. If anything I'd go a step down. My best guess to achieve the correct color for that coat would be a 1:4 mix of navy blue and pearl grey. Possibly less navy blue even.
I wouldn't go up a level in brightness, the colors tend to be made brighter than they really are already. If anything I'd go a step down. My best guess to achieve the correct color for that coat would be a 1:4 mix of navy blue and pearl grey. Possibly less navy blue even.
Intersting....I would not have thought that film or video would have an effect of brightening a costumes color but the opposite. Now I have bnever made a costume for film but have experiance with costumes for the stage. I should ask someone about this that knows for sure.
I can attest to HelloCosplay's work. I got my TDK Joker coat and vest from them and have had no complaints aside from they're not well tailored to me, but I can't ask for better and affordable than what I got since they're not based anywhere near me.
Intersting....I would not have thought that film or video would have an effect of brightening a costumes color but the opposite. Now I have bnever made a costume for film but have experiance with costumes for the stage. I should ask someone about this that knows for sure.

That's been my experience with everything Doctor Who. I've seen a lot of the original fabrics and ties used in the show and what I've seen has been that everything's been a bit darker than I had expected. Especially Tennant's coat material, which isn't really a brown, but more like black and gold woven together.
lols. I ended up buying some Italian Wool from a place here in town, and getting it custom made.

I think It came out pretty nicely.



And Because it was AWESOME


And yes, the look on my face is because I am resisting the urge to GEEK THE F*CK OUT!
lols. I ended up buying some Italian Wool from a place here in town, and getting it custom made.

I think It came out pretty nicely.



And Because it was AWESOME


And yes, the look on my face is because I am resisting the urge to GEEK THE F*CK OUT!
Nice coat. LOL!

Geek the F*ck out......LOL! OK....I did that with Linda Harrison....but in my defense it took me by surprise. She was just sitting there with a sign in front of her and I geeked full out, got embarrassed and hid from her the rest of the convention! LOL!